
Did anyone else see the word "Kuat" and instantly think of the Kuat Drive Yards...?

I find this fascinating because of the implications better prosthetic limbs will one day bring. Imagine integrating this with ultra-low powered optics that can run off of blood sugar. ( [fuelcellsworks.com] ) At that point, you have a fully functional limb which can fully interact with your mind and nervous system,

Question about the student thing... How do they verify that one is a student?? I still have my UConn .edu email address and student ID...

I hate this so much. I don't even have a smartphone and this makes me upset. You advertising blazing speeds, you sell people super-fast connections, and then you cap them and charge them outrageously high rates like $10/GB. It's the equivalent of someone buying a Formula 1 Racecar, and you only allow them to drive

For anyone who is interested, I will be selling my rations of RadAway and Rad-X for the right amount of caps.


I was actually extremely surprised when I saw the latest Transformers movie. That new lead actress that replaced Megan Fox actually had things like lines and a reason to be in the movie, because she was actually part of the plot. It made the movie a lot better than the first or second one in my opinion. Not that

PeerBlock. Problem solved. There's no reason to mess around and spend time going through newsgroup posts getting links and dealing with stupid RAR's. Click torrent link, torrent downloads, you have file. The End.

Oh absolutely! hahaha ...the day I found out about DC++ on campus was one of the best days ever! The saddest part is when you move off campus and realize that you now regard 5MB/s downloads as INCREDIBLY slow... like dial up slow... because you're used to 50MB/s minimum hahah

I hope to God you mean 10Mbps and not 10MB total download.... :(

They damn well better offer WiFi, for the price of an Amtrak ticket. Has anyone here ever actually ridden Amtrak's Northeast lines?? Their ticket prices are absurd. I used to date a girl who lived on long island, about 15 minutes outside the city. At the time, I lived in Connecticut, right next to the New London,

Are there any engineering challenges/issues with scaling this type of turbine up to a larger size or capacity? Couldn't manufacturers just build a larger, more powerful version with this type of blade design?

But that's the exact same argument for speed limit free highways or higher speed limits. There's no reason to limit EVERYONE to lower speeds, when people have different cars and drive differently. Everyone who is on the road simply needs to drive defensively, and realize that there are people who want to go faster

I strongly disagree. Speed limits are almost always set arbitrarily, so that on any given day, the municipality can earn revenue. It's not about safety, it's about money. Your money.

They wouldn't be swerving from lane to lane if people were in the right-most lanes when they weren't passing others.

"Highways are set anywhere from 55mph to 85mph with little rhyme or reason. Point of fact, 55mph speed limits were actually something instituted by Jimmy Carter as a means to reduce fuel consumption in the 70s."

Thank you very much for that article link. That is exactly what I mean. The most important paragraph in the article, to me, states:

Hahaha true... but the premise is the same! Haha - the internet opened up media to the world!

That is simply not true. When arbitrary speed limits are haphazardly enforced, we get problems like those we have today. My problem with speed limits is that they are not limits. No one drives 5-10 mph UNDER the speed limit at all times. it would be ludicrous. Going 10-15mph through every street with a house on

My life changing internet moment was when I was in 6 or 7th grade, and had a computer design class. This was back when Napster was brand new, and was just starting to become popular. I remember that for years, I had always listened to this local radio station every Thursday night at about 6PM because they would play