
Personally, I think the dishonest part is that the airline charges two separate prices for the same internet access... both should be the same price, even if they're both the higher price. It's no different than using your phone to access the web and tethering it to your laptop in my opinion.

Awesome! Thanks for all the helpful info!

Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't seem to be any sort of revelation. I'm pretty sure every species on earth can be scared to death...


That would be really nice of you, thanks! Actually now that you mention it, I completely forgot I actually went and bought ObjectDock about 4 years back. I'm so used to it just being there, I forgot I even paid for it in the first place haha.

This is awesome. How the hell did he cool that thing?! The AMD team had to manually pour liquid helium into the cooling unit!

Does anyone have any experience using both Multibar and Stardock's ObjectDock? I've used ObjectDock for years and was just wondering what some differences/benefits might be.

True. Correct me if I'm wrong though, but isn't that what TRIM/garbage collection is? I have SSD's on my desktop as my OS drive, but I'm still a little unclear on a little about how some of their functions work.

Haha thanks! On a side note, I currently live in the Tampa Bay area in Florida, and with the BrightHouse Networks internet package I get, I have 40Mbps down and 5Mbps up. It's pretty awesome, but to be honest I had no problem with the 20Mbps package I used to have. The only reason I sprung for the 40Mbps

I can't wait until everything is SSD and defragging is a foreign concept.

That is exactly what I was going to say hahahaha

It's slightly off topic, but I just wanted to throw it out there that WinAmp still kicks ass hands down when playing audio on the desktop. Most people refer to WinAmp in terms of "the good old days", as if it's no longer relevant, but I have happily used WinAmp on my desktop for years. Plus, you can't beat the

This is pure specualtion on my part, but I believe that Microsoft will attempt to make headway in the tablet market and compete with the iPad when Windows 8 has an established foothold in the market. From how things are going, it seems to be that Microsoft was embracing the Courier almost purely as a prototype and

If I had a star, I would promote the hell out of your comment. It's nice to know that even those working in the Telecomm industry feel the same way.

I completely agree. While I can currently put 10 $1 bills in my wallet no problem, and put that wallet in my back pocket, the same could never be said about dollar coins. Unless it suddenly becomes in fashion for us all to carry around change purses attached to our belt loops like the middle ages, I don't see dollar

Lends a whole new meaning to the term "computer virus". Maybe a virus that spreads throughout the bacteria, changing their genetic code and causing them to malfunction.... then again, viruses could be the new software! Quick replicating viruses, perhaps changing how the logic gates function? No? Well one can dream.

Actually you're right on that point. I failed to factor virtualization into this. I too work in an IT environment with several thousand client PCs (a military base) and I can tell that virtualization as a whole is coming into its own as an IT solution. That's a very good thing. Taking that into consideration, I

"Sure, Windows 7 might hit 50 percent market share before Windows 8 drops, but in ten years, it'll be about as relevant as Windows 95 in 2005."

This is a bold-faced lie. I'm pretty sure hotel wi-fi has been terrible for years, long before iPads came out. That's what happens when your "access point" is a WRT-54G in the hotel lobby for an 8 floor hotel. I've stayed in hundreds of hotels over the years, and not a single one of them had usable wi-fi. 20

These studies make me very wary of anything I read in the news. As we have all learned in even the most basic statistics class, correlation =/= causation. Is it really the soda that is causing this? Or is their lifestyle simply one that lends them to drink soda more often because it's what their friends do, or what