"For many laptop users, this isn't really an option, but if you don't have the budget for a completely new machine, you can set up an external GPU for only one or two hundred dollars."
"For many laptop users, this isn't really an option, but if you don't have the budget for a completely new machine, you can set up an external GPU for only one or two hundred dollars."
That's actually really bizarre. You would be amazed at the amount of material and effort we waste where I work just so we can copy a few files for presentations, or other basic things like that. All USB ports are blocked by software... all burn rights are locked down per user AND per PC (so even if you CAN burn…
Not when you work for the government or defense contractor....
I have to still disagree, I'm sorry. If I came up to you and said hey, I will buy you breakfast, or I will buy you breakfast and lunch, why would you choose only the free breakfast? IE is the same way. You can have only breakfast (IE) or you can have free breakfast and lunch. (Firefox and Chrome) Sure, IE does fine…
I agree. And on a somewhat related side note, I'm not going to argue that this dude wasn't crazy, but there is nothing wrong with disciplining your kids, and I'm sick of everyone acting like a spanking is child abuse all the time. Granted, it's a much different scenario when you're 16, but I used to get beat with…
I'm so glad that you said this. The irrational fear of Nuclear power is just so frustrating. A large majority of our nation's energy issues could be solved by expanding our nuclear power capacity and providing clean power.
Honestly, I am extremely glad this never happened. Dropbox is way too useful and simple of a service for me to ever want it packaged, bundled, or offered with any other product. We all know that the first thing that would have happened with an Apple-Dropbox takeover is it would have become Apple exclusive and…
I certainly hope so.
Oh I agree completely. I'm just saying that in general, down the line when Win 8 is official and Win 7 is still around, I can still see some benefits to using Win 8, even without Metro.
"Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment."
They do know that it's a federal offense to deface money right? Honestly all I hear through all this Occupy ___ nonsense is people complaining about how they want more money. Everyone wants more money. Maybe if you spent more time working towards it, and less time complaining and standing around, you could have…
The most interesting part of this list (and the part that TorrentFreak pointed out as well) is that the large majority of these films were huge successes, even though they were "pirated into oblivion".
Not necessarily. I don't have the link right now, but as far as I can remember, (and as far as Lifehacker seems to have researched already) Windows 8 utilizes hardware better and more efficiently than Windows 7. So while Windows 8 without Metro may look like Win7, Win8 without metro actually = better performance on…
It suddenly makes sense why half of the CFL's I put in a year ago randomly explode.
Then I'm pretty sure you've never actually had good sex...
I completely agree with you - this is a failure before it even started. What is the quality? Is it 1080p? Is it as close as possible to the Blu-Ray source? Does it detect your device like Netflix and scale the quality accordingly? I don't really see any point to it. The only people who would use something like…
I wish they would re-make the Matrix SE-quels, so that Revolutions actually concluded the series, and you know, we could like the movies instead of pretending they never happened. :(
To me, it seems pretty clear that one of the following 2 things has happened:
$... lots of $