
I live in Florida (grew up elsewhere) and I was honestly kind of disappointed when this WASN'T Florida, because now I can't laugh at it and send it to all my friends back in CT hahaha

Here's another question - I recently started experimenting with some different automation/notification setups, and have been working with Belvedere, EventGhost, and most notably, Growl for Windows.

Oh cool. Thanks, to both of you. Guess I'm hoping for a star eventually then haha.

Here's a question I'm still trying to figure out... I'm still completely unsure of how the gawker/gizmodo/lifeahcker, etc. comment system works haha. I know I'm 'approved' I guess, because my comments show up now. But I've made a bunch of comments and I still can't 'promote' comments I like - and some people have

Couldn't you just use the 'input' ports as outputs? I mean either way an HDMI connection is an HDMI isn't it?

For me, it's iffy. I might go watch this movie if one of my friends is interested and wants to go see it - but that has nothing to with the robots and boxing and actors, or anything else in the movie, it only has to do with one thing: It's a 'sports' movie. As good as it may or may not be, I just can never bring

I think this is the first time in the history of mankind that this comment is not only appropriate, but is actually true. Hahahah

"on-demand access to Spotify's 15 million-song catalog at lossless 320kbps"

I completely agree, but I'll re-iterate a point I made on a different comment a while back. I really feel like for Windows Phone 7.5 or any iteration of it to be a success, it needs to not say Windows anything on it. - it needs to have almost no customer-perceived association with Windows or Microsoft. They should

"Nothing is either or, it's both or more."

Please excuse me for the all-caps tirade that is about to follow, but

While I completely agree with you in almost every other circumstances, when it comes to Telecom's, this idea can't work, at least in our current state of infrastructure. For one, there simply isn't enough competition in any given area for people to exercise their right as a consumer to purchase only the products from

I'm not going to lie. This single feature of Windows 8 is enough to get me to change from 7 once it hits consumer release. I especially love the app history. Not only is it a new feature that I never thought of needing or wanting, it's actually USEFUL and isn't just another bullet point. I don't keep a constant

Radioactive Potassium?!

What the....?

"It may sound trite, but later in life you won't be looking back wishing you'd packed an extra bunch of hours onto your work week."

$5 for a four hour window seems pretty steep to me. If I'm going to pay ~%50 more, then I want a much narrower window - an hour, possibly two. Then again, I've been infuriated with UPS so many times that anything seems like an improvement. It's like I recieve every delivery with the special instructions:

I live in Florida. It's always Florida.

I live in Florida. It's always Florida.

I suppose in comparison that much is true. From that perspective it does seem to be a lot more worth it, when compared to monthly cable bills, though I still think that the upfront cost is enough to turn people like my parents off to this sort of thing.