
Not to de-rail the conversation entirely, but please allow me to rant for a moment. At the risk of sounding like an insane fanboy, I will never understand why George Lucas did what he did with the prequels. He had his movies written for him already, he just had to bring them to the screen.

$400? Huhwha...??? That just seems WAY too overpriced to reach its target market.

Next step: Mobile Barracks. Now we can get our troops to the front lines faster! Just watch out for those zerglings

@thenewperson and everyone - Thanks to for suggesting the star.

On a similar note, automatic TV show downloaders would be awesome if they downloaded 720p feeds of a show. I've found myself getting increasingly annoyed over the years when every 'super-auto-magic-set-it-and-forget-it' TV show torrent downloader only has the SD feeds available.

The problem isn't Windows or Microsoft itself like the large majority of the public think it is. The "bad rap" that windows gets from a lot of mainstream consumers stems from two things, and two things only:

Unfortunately, it doesn't really work like that. Case in point, I was driving to work the other day, and came to a large, multi-lane, 4-way intersection near my house. I was in the farthest right lane, taking a right-turn through a solid green light onto the crossstreet's farthest right lane. While I was driving

Bacon Cheerios...... Beer-ios?

"Great, now I have to copy my CD's—yet again—to a new format. But hey, should be the last time, right?"

"it's only wreckless driving if you are swerving and shit and there is an accident"

So what happens when you're phone is in your pocket on a roller coaster? Or a plane ride with turbulence? :(

It depends on what you are using it for. If you do any type of video encoding/media transcoding, etc., then yes, Intel is worth the premium. But, if you're not encoding videos in Handbrake and other things like that, then AMD will give you more bang for your buck and you will never notice a difference between an AMD

For photo/video editing, as you probably figured, you are going to need plenty of space on the hard drive. Hard drive speed however, isn't going to make too much of a difference for you, since the large majority of your bottleneck would be your CPU. So as far as hard drives go, I would focus on space over speed.

Refer to the first rule

Is it insane that the first thing I thought of when I saw this was buying/building one for myself and mounting a motion sensing camera/laser unit with the power turned way up to fly around my house and kill any bugs that move? Because that is what I hope this eventually turns into.

Isn't the whole point of funding something to find out what works and what doesn't? Sure, yes, for the most part, the missile defense system has been a failure. However, ICBM's and the like aren't going anywhere and it sure seems to me that being one of the very select few nations on Earth with a missile defense

Although I rarely comment on Gizmodo or Lifehacker, I'd love to chime in here and expand on a lot of what is being said by other commenters, because I enjoy talking about this subject. Many who claim they can never hear the difference are often amazed at just how much more enjoyable lossless listening can make your

Plainly and simply, the type of person who has the knowledge and expertise to be coding malware, most likely wouldn't be using a mac anyway, hence their limited malware. I mean how many Mac-only programmers do you know that don't work at Apple?

I've gotta say that the one thing holding me back from gvoice right now is the fact that I would have to change my number. Once number portingis up, I'll be on gvoice like butter on a bald monkey.