
Yeah hooray for making fun of gamers, I love how being unhygenic is directly associated with LOSER GAMERS even though HMMMMMMM could being unhygenic have underlying root causes that might be more than simple laziness? NOOOO I’m sure there is no such underlying root cause, zero sympathy for ANYONE with bad hygiene.

cool let me know when it’s win 7 compatible

Makes me embarassed to be a “gamer”

I told them not to hire him

you suck

Oh good, add “self-entitled” to the list too.

No, you don’t get to be a condescending dick. You didn’t answer it, you just said what was being referenced. Not why they were being linked together. If it bothered you so much that they asked why it was being referenced, ignore it and move on. “Waaa, this person keeps

The joke would work if there is a Lilo/Vader connection based on the work history. There is no Lilo/Vader connection.

No, it was a counterfeit question.

Why you gotta be a dick?

I read the article. The guy worked at lucasfilm. But he never worked on a Star Wars property. Why is Star Wars referenced?

I reported this to sega

I imagine you were browsing some rule 34 splatoon when you stumbled upon this somewhere?

I always trust my local dogfighter when he says his dogs are all looked after in luxury hotels.

There are multiple VR platforms. Wanna be a professional asshole and encourage the breakdown of civil...well, society in general? Holla back

Jesus, gawker blogs are STILLLLLL hating on Adam Levine??? Can’t that beef be buried with gawker?

“Look guys, I’m so edgy! You like pop music, lulz, you have no taste. Hurdur hurdur!”

never really counted on restrooms for helpful items

So Donald Trump thinks women are just there for his personal pleasure?

Lots of wildly popular shows get cancelled, and lots of awful shows remain on the air for all eternity. Feel free to enjoy TBBT to your heart’s content but you can’t convince me that it isn’t terrible.

Big Bang Theory is the most overrated tv show on air. It’s basically Two Broke Girls with nerds. But instead of sexist and racist jokes, there are no jokes at all - just a randomly applied laugh track after sentences. It’s god awful.