
Screw him and his shitty suicide game

I was sympathetic until he blamed “feminists” as some kind of boogeyman.

It’s comical how easily triggered they are.

OMG the fb comments on this when you go to DeadBart or Daily Caller are hilarious meltdowns. “Fire him!” “I can’t believe the University aloud this” “This is what colleges teach everywhere now” “Can you imagine the backlash if he said black genocide!?”

That thing is some cheater bullshit

This should work for your needs.

“I’ve never played The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s probably bad.” what the fuck???

Why didn’t they make ps4 retail model look like THAT, then maybe people would actually buy one

it’s refreshing to actually hear someone annoyed with stupid reaction gifs, I think they are almost always obnoxious

Because Staten Island.

We need a recount regardless of the outcome. Faith in our electoral process is eroding on both the left and the right. A recount may be messy but in the long run it will put to bed all of the questions surrounding this election. Regardless of your political affiliation if you believe in democracy please donate to

LOL gotta love that Stein is putting more effort into turning Wisconsin blue than Hillary did

Would of been better if Hillary didn’t run at all. Don’t blame Stein.

Diet soda-pop is a poor replacement for regular soda-pop to be sure, BUT I successfully weaned myself off of all soda-pop beverages with diet soda-pop as a stepping stool

CNN already deeply imbedded and in bed with the Trump campaign, for Christ’s sake they hired COREY LEWANDOWSKI as a commentator. Everyone knows exactly what is gonna happen to CNN, they will get on their knees and service the Trump administration till the next guy.

You guys are fucking jerks, “here’s an idea for your suicidal friend, tell them they stink like shit and give em a dildo” and fuck that other list “Gifts for people who don’t want to leave their house”

Why would Pence bother seeing Hamilton? Does he not even know what it’s about?

The New York Times is smug as fuck and not in a fun or cute way.

Pay attention to him: he’s going to be the guy pulling the strings. Trump can’t hold his attention on anything, so of course all the real work is going to get done by Pence.