All you thirsty people need Talos.
No parent should ever bury their child.
The picture in the dictionary next to the word “pimp”.
I thought this article was super interesting and I think it's great that people can satisfy their needs using videogames and a little imagination. I can't say the same things about this comment section though...
I usually use ‘hanging dong’ for any time a penis is visible. But I’ll be damned if that particular digital dong isn't pretty impressive.
“ always has to come in jokes”
I love you Patricia, god bless your honesty.
Yeah I’ve been wearing out the data files for Luther and Wallander. Very excited for new-to-me episodes.
And guns! At least give the GOPers something to masturbate to.
Armed robbery doesn't count as PvP?
I think it might be! I’m currently in the level with the storeroom filled with open pits of toxic waste. Where the only way to navigate it is to blow up the boxes it’s storing.
Im playing world of warcraft, hyperdimension neptunia re;birth1, black ops3, and pokemon go.
Giving back all the money on Trevor’s heist was the last straw. It made zero sense to do so, imo. Maybe if the trio hadn’t assassinated the R* version of Zuckerberg, and other more chaotic missions hadn’t preceded that one, I’d have bought it, but no dice, Merryweather was a bad joke to me.
Oh Loki, you scamp.
Can you breed and race the cars? If not, that’s a hard no from me.