
Another week has passed and I’ll be playing Stardew Valley again. The game is fantastic and has so much to unlock. It’s calming and a great way to blow off steam after work. I do look forward to Horizon Zero Dawn and Zelda though.

I’m over eighty hours deep into Stardew Valley and will be eyeball deep in virtual farming and chores all weekend.

I just hope the characters you romance in this game will be available in the following games. As a Mass Effect fan who romanced Ashley in the first game it really bothered me that she wasn’t an option in the second game. It tainted ME2 for me, big time.

Every time I read about Trump I have a fantasy play in my head where Leo Mcgarry from the show, The West Wing, storms into the oval office and screams at Trump for his screw ups and explains how to be an actual president.

Read the headline, screamed obscenities in joy, saw that there was a trailer, screamed more obscenities in joy. Finished the trailer wide eyed and muttering what do you say to that?

If this is indeed a new Red Dead game I hope it goes, for lack of a better word, a more traditional Western Route. Red Dead Revolver was one of my favorite PS2 games and Red Dead Redemption was an incredible experience gameplay wise but the story just felt like they copied and pasted from the film The Proposition

What a fascinating article. This is the kind of game journalism I like. I’m not saying it always has to be about sex but I enjoy stories about how people react and interact with this incredible hobby.

Hanging some real impressive dong is now my favorite way to describe anything penis related lmao.

Metal Gear Solid V was a game I played way to long when I wasn’t having fun. In theory I should have loved it, more metal gear smooth as hell gameplay and a great soundtrack but it just didn’t work for me and I tried to force it to. In the end the side missions felt like busy work and I think the open world hurt the

This is such an incredible idea. I’ve never read any Jane Austen novels but everytime I read about this game I get excited because it’s so cool and ambitious and different from what’s out there already. I hope people flock to this game and support it.

It seems impossible to me even with that photo of the tsunami which could have been placed there during any patch. If you broke the damn the water would have to rush out and the environment and player would have to react to that. We’re talking trees uprooted cars rolled over, you’d probably get a wasted screen before

New Luther, New Wallander AND LUKE FREAKIN CAGE!!!! Sweet Christmas it’s going to be an Early Christmas!

Even though I played the demo for Metal Gear Solid on PS1, MGS 2 was my first full fledged Metal Gear game and I loved it and couldn’t understand why so many people seemed to hate Raiden. Then MGS3 came out and became my favorite but Sons of Liberty will always have a special place in my gaming heart.

Back when the xbox 360 was coming out wasn’t there suppose to be an Indy game. All I remember is fighting guys on a trolley in San Francisco.

I remember renting Morrowind back in the day and opening it to find the thickest instruction booklet I’d ever seen. It opened with a letter from the people who made the game basically saying hey we wanted you to have freedom and a ton of choices in our game, do what you want and have fun. It was really welcoming and

Yes! I had it for the N64. It was ridiculously obtuse to me.

I just hopped into Wow and was just looking at Neptunia the other day.

Is that the mission impossible where you have to spray paint the security cameras? That was so hard when I was a kid. lol

I recently bought Baldur’s Gate one and two, Tales of Symphonia, The Banner Saga and World of Warcraft and stumbled upon a delightful game called Chroma Squad. I intend to dive into all of them at some point this weekend. So far I’ve played the beginning of Baldurs’ Gate and Chroma Squad and got to level ten in three

Great Article. Personally I loved the first two Saints Row games and am not to keen on the ones that followed. They’re definitely good games but I miss the more, for lack of a better word “grounded” roots of the earlier installments. Also I could get money by running over parking meters. I’ll take that over a game