
If Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba ever share screen time in one of these marvel movies my skull will crack and a thousand ants will come pouring out. That being said I’m a little underwhelmed by this trailer. I just kept thinking oh that looks like The Matrix, oh Inception, oh that accent is off putting, oh Tilda

This article is great. I’d love a whole series of them on WOW and Dark Souls.

Rockstar probably tried to pay him in Shark Cards.

Between this article and that video I’m sold. Seriously that match was intense.

This article was great. The batmobiles have been frustrating to my writer brain for years but I never considered giving Batman a truck. It seems so mundane to have him driving a “normal” vehicle but this article makes a lot of sense. I would love to see this version in the movies and I bet Ford would throw a lot of

This movie had everything. Giant Robots, giant monsters, normal sized Idris Elba, giant sized speeches, giant battles. We need more and I would love to see an anime based on it with this classic seventies anime look.

By Reading this you are are entering SPOILER TERRITORY. I REPEAT THIS WAY BE SPOILERS MATEY. If you have not seen MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 2 OR BATMAN VS SUPERMAN turn back now cause it’s SPOILERIN TIME(Yes I put the Thing in your DC)

Let me begin this rant with the following. My Big Fat Greek Wedding Two was a simple

Wait did Snake speak in MGS V?

Please make Johnny Five alive! And make a Los Lobos raider gang while you’re at it.

I love these kinds of articles on Kotaku. Until recently I hardly knew anything about Luke Cage or the Black Panther. These articles do a great job of summing the characters up while explaning why they are important and interesting characters. Sweet Christmas I can’t wait to see T’achalla and Cage on the screen. Great

I’m more of a caveman than a computer whiz. I’m just wondering how they get their numbers. Do they compare the number of purchases to the number of people playing their servers? Or do they look at known piracy sites and just add the numbers up? If so why don’t they just shut them down? It’s fascinating to me but I’ve

Such amazing art. It’s incredible that they successfully took those images and put them into the game and made them better. It’s stuff like this that makes me remember how much talent and struggle goes into game development. I can’t wait for their next game.

I completely forgot about the Way of the Samurai series. They aren’t the best games but man are they fun and worth playing. Oddly enough Way of the Samurai 4 is already out on Steam. I’ll definitely be picking it up when I get the cash money.

I feel like the guy in the glasses and leather coat is staring into my soul. He’s probably a Highlander.

Everyone in these photos are stealing jobs from Jim Carrey. I need another mask movie stat.

I never got really far into Dishonored. I wanted to but at that time Xcom Enemy Unknown was calling me so I set the game aside and bought Xcom and never looked back. The second one looks great so maybe I’ll give Dishonored another try...oh but I still have to play the newest Xcom..WOE IS ME.

After looking at these photographs a second time I can’t help but think how different the scenes with Kylo/Kylie Ren and Po Dameron would have been.

I would imagine that they could still sell their game in it’s prototype form and still be better than Superman 64. I’ll never forget renting that from the local video store and thinking that I was a terrible gamer because I couldn’t fly through those darn rings.

The goblins of Oblivion were and still are one of my favorite enemies. I loved going into their caves and seeing how they lived(it usually ended in violence). They felt like just another race just living out their lives in Tamriel.

I’m really impressed. It takes a lot of creative thinking and technical skill to replicate something like that using a videogame. Kudos, Congrats, and high fives for the guy who made this. Seriously it was so accurate I’m blown away.