
but what about....bedbugs???

Another big fear (at least for NYC parents): Bringing home bed bugs.

The nice thing is that McConaughey gets older, but the Texas players stay the same age.

I'll admit, I have head lice right now. I am sitting at work as we speak trying not to scratch my head too much. You think it's embarrassing to get it as an adult because your kids brought it home from school? Well I don't have any fucking kids. I don't know where I got it (a hotel maybe? I've stayed in a lot of those

I bet that thing is sweaty as fuck on the inside. It probably smells a little accurate.

Wonder if he ever did get those power converters...?

I'm guessing the reward for each question was reduced by roughly 20% as well.


Made him mighty* =]

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

NFL RUMOR ALERT: Rex Ryan pushing extremely hard to land Ryan Tannehill.

Jeez lady, just let it go.

I agree with your sentiment, but can we PLEASE stop using the word "retarded". It's right up there with "fag", "nigger", and just about any other derogatory term for a group of people. I understand what you mean, but "idiot" would have been a better choice of words...

Ladies and gentlemen, the Queen!

Correct answer is Zero.


Gah. I've been seeing trailers for this for almost a year now and I would very much like to watch it. But...this article mentions nothing about how to watch it nor does the trailer.

Yeah I literally don't understand this at all. She didn't PERPETRATE a domestic violence situation.

Just popping in to say that I've been watching the pre-game coverage and I am really tired of the announcers and sideline reporters discussing how all this Ray Rice stuff is a "distraction" from football and can the Ravens "overcome" said distraction. I don't like that choice of words. Football is a distraction from

They still haven't added the feature that makes iOS users obsess about Android in every single Android story on the Internet. That one's still exclusive to you guys I guess!

Otherwise known as advertising...on your $850 phone that you pay monthly to use...