
Tempted to make a joke about how it's probably better than dating Peter.

As this is the worst Slash I've seen this post-season, I hope a long suspension is coming.

Despite all your rage, they are still just some cats on a page

Pavel Datsyuk = Sulky Dat Vape

I'm curious; if Intergalactic were playing during the monster fight scenes, would that had made for a better movie?

"I couldn't be prouder to be a fucking Power Ranger with you guys. Thank you very much."

Who is this 'guy' you speak of?

This was her way of announcing that she's now dating a member of Daft Punk.

As great as this segment was, my favorite was the second one, regarding the false claims food manufacturers are allowed to make. John encouraged viewers to make up labels with false information about food items, stick them on the food items in the grocery store, and post a picture of doing same to the This Week

Important note:

Im from Milwaukee, btw and this looks like the TD at Bayshore

Where I work, they'd probably have to infect Monster.com to get into our machines.

Given that, quite literally, many millions of people have seen most of these movies, it might be more apt to ask what self-respecting adult doesn't?

Sounds like you're bitching

Fun fact: the three-post shot is referred to as "The Trident."

Is this your bracket?

Note that Shwarma is not on the list.

If that's the longest name allowed - are they saying he can't have a child and give hime his name and add Junior?

You win this round, Marchman, but your cereal list still sucks.