
Mmmm. delightful hint of feet.

A lot of the shows I see mentioned actually got more than one season. This great one, however, did not. Middle Man, bitchez!

Come to Australia. I'll show you Global Farkin Warming. The air here will melt your clown makeup right off. Ya science denying numpty.

I believe you mean to say: who is favoured.

21 Girls, No Cups

What do the Vancouver Canucks have to do with any of this???

Here's a handy guide to where you can catch the game if you're in Canada

In their defense they thought 3/5 of the African-American category was equal to one of another category.

He says: I pity da foo'.

No, he says "meet me in the sequel, you fools".

Sorry but this is the cheesecake I want. Space geek girl in coveralls with springy ringlets, I love you.

Anyone else feel that they missed out on a great opportunity to say "I made a HUGE mistake" as they crashed into the Sun?!

'Pipe Drag's Too Slow; 'Boarders Not Getting High.

Pardon our french.

Perhaps he accidentally used the Unsafe Face Water.

"I mean....uh, what surveillance??"

"I can see them from my house!"

Looks to me like he was chasing one of Sochi's waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're use to.

So...who wants to tell Putin that those are both male tigers?

Ah, right, sorry, I forgot to include the link. We always post a bare-bones nuts-and-bolts version of the recipe over at my personal Kinja blog, for people who are just looking for a recipe and don't want to do a bunch of reading. Here's this week's:

This isn't surprising. I mean, let's face it—Tonga only pawn in game of ice.