
This was the first year the reader poll in Milwaukee, WI at onmilwaukee.com didn't pick BW-3 as best wings, and actually picked a local bar.

Your right, the bible is a great source of accurate historical information regarding human lifespan. Once we factor in Methuselah at 969 years of age, those numbers should go up, up, up!

Just where exactly do you store your boozeware?

Many of the Wii U consoles already purchased are likely wrapped in paper at the bottom of a decorated tree. Try running these numbers again December 30th.

I got my airport extreme five years ago and it is still rocking. I sort of want it to die, because I want some of the newer features.

You just had to dare them to use the blink tag, didn't you?

Is your real life backlit and powered by a GPU?


The 3rd generation iPod touch shipped with 3.1 and was updated up to iOS 5.

While I know I was reading about tv I missed...oh how I wish I had been given a choice to see that gif or not....spoilers!

NFL helmet radios do no transmit, only receive. I'm not saying you are wrong about the plane thing, though. That sounds fishy to me as well.

It's called the All 22 camera. It is a zoomed out photo of the field from the either end zone, enabling the coaches and quarterback to see every player on the field, how the play developed, vs what they expected to happen, shows open receivers that they missed, etc. It will be available for the first time this year

I was having the same debate last year, and went the 15" with discrete graphics route. Windows 7 runs like a dream either bootcamped or in vmware fusion. I think the extra graphics oomph really helps with vmware. I give half the processor cores to OS X and half to Windows, and can gesture to switch between them

Don't forget blorgons! They're the worst of them all.

Doesn't every cup of Mountain Dew sold already contain oranje juice?

I imagine unupdated apps would run normally, but with a border around them.

Ceiling cat will drop after Mountain Lion, but the iSight camera will be permanently stuck "on"

The best dessert on the planet, Key Lime Pie.

How about "talkies"?

The "little snitch" part amuses me as well. So basically anyone who ever pirated and adobe product is in the clear.