
@Ghostnappa9001: The HTC Hero was released in October of 2009, the iPhone 3G was released in July of 2008.

@acidrain69: Did you also inform her that she had been hit by a smooth criminal?

@DARSFOG: I think it was meant to be a subtle second story centered around birth, to contrast the two main storylines about mortality and death. Either that, or it was an elaborate setup for the punchline when Shirley asked Abed what he had been up to.

@jimothy: Speed of sound? You must have some crazy, laggy conversations.

@mricyfire: I'm not sure I follow your logic. Yes, there have been four iPhones, yes this lists six, which is sort of the whole point to this article. As for the two which have not been seen yet, I would tend to lean to "probably a new product" before "probably nothing."

@Mex: I think she's in on it....

@xdeathknightx: I think you mean that Pippin found the palantir. Although it would have been amusing if he found the simarillion.

@Kogo: They should be using the transporters to birth the babies.

@Tyrunn: There is currently a torrent for the proms, as well as one for the backstage show.

Why not send them fleshlights?

@MonkeyT: Respectfully disagree. Bolivia, all the way. Ever since I saw the closed captions that is what I have used in my head for her name.

@Balmut: I prefer bolivia.

In the wake of the deep water horizon oil spill, can we really fault a resident of the gulf coast for taking a junk shot?

@Architectin: In Southeastern Wisconsin, a lot of people still refer to ATMs as "Tyme Machines" because our early ATMs were named TYME, an acronym for "take your money everywhere." It tends to confuse recent transplants to the area, wondering if people in the Milwaukee area have managed to master time travel.

@soulfinger: In the close captions she was referred to as bolivia, as in b-universe Olivia.

@catsmasher: I'm pretty sure Lynch adapted only the first book in his movie, unless I am mistaken. Granted, it is one big honking book, and difficult to cram into a 2 hour movie.

@G99: Star Trek has had some great moments when they remember to break the 2d battle mentality. Of the top of my head, Wrath of Khan did it, and the end of All Good Things...


@ggodo: Before Flesh and Stone in River's Timeline, after in the Doctors's. Presumably, after the Pandorica fun times, she ends up back in prison, and then gets her work release to go to the byzantium for the events of Flesh and Stone, and is able to tell the Doctor that the Pandorica is not a myth.

@Burke: That was my first thought too. He is appearing on a panel at comicon with Tim Kring, apparently. I'm calling it here: Tim Kring produces Superman with Quinto as the man of steel.