
Because of my job, training, and aspirations, I tend to read books I don't enjoy because they're in the canon or it seems everyone else has read them. Recently, this was David Copperfield. I'm putting off Jane Eyre until I re-read the Iliad (a different translation), finish Life of Pi, and play loads of video games.

Vomiting? Was it milk chocolate? Maybe your dog is lactose intolerant.

I have to object here, friend. As a child, I read that book over and over until it fell apart. It was a large part of inspiring my interest in ancient religion and history. I've had to buy multiple copies, and occasionally I take it out again to take me back to the magic of myths.

I don't watch much South Park anymore, but I disagree with you both.

And you just lent credence to Frank's premise.

Those bat men are about to kiss as the sun sets.

On writing again, you have to understand that your writing is awful. Everyone's is. There are likely ten thousand hours between you and being a good writer. Once you accept this, the rest is just work. Hopefully, fun work.

Maybe they're thinking of soy milk?

Edison. He wasn't showing that electricity was dangerous but that Tesla's newfangled AC was dangerous.

In some people with ADD, marijuana can alleviate symptoms.

Wouldn't that actually dehydrate him?

Melting the snow with your body heat uses up energy and thus actually dehydrates.

No mythology love?

And everyone knew that with the accepted distance (which was pretty close to the true one), Columbus's crews could never survive the journey. The New World saved him in more ways than one.

I don't consider Pirates of the Caribbean and Watchmen to be in the same league artistically. More to the point, I don't see how they are comparable. You're talking about how he and Gibbons revived dead characters and did something completely different with them that left a hallmark on comic books forever vs.

I had to friend a fellow fan of Ilium/Olympos. It's a bizarrely divisive work, it seems.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Dick belongs on this list.

That did happen in Voyager, though as I recall they made a big deal about it each time and the problems it caused.

That's Zeno of Elea, if anyone was wondering.

Mark Dacascos is not related to the former Chairman on Iron Chef. That's just more fiction, would't you know?