Sweet Berry Wine!

Hell. Yes.

What's the over/under on how long before poly and open relationship type people take their evangelizing door-to-door like Jehovah's Witnesses?

It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy

That's a fetus in the first picture, not a baby.

Same. Told my ex-boyfriend who, 99% of the time, is an incredibly kind, loyal, empathic and respectful person. But this, he just couldn't handle. It was like he became a different person. He badgered me about what "actually happened" - had I been drinking? Why was I in that guy's hotel room? (For the record, that

This girl is so thirsty that she is at the brink of being parched...someone get her some water.

Yeah, right, I mean, if you won't show up and talk about your dresses exclusively, then you're just a stuck up bitch! You're one of those actresses who wants to talk about her work! God, don't we have enough men around to talk about work? I don't see why women need to! Just keep standing there looking pretty and only

RE: Madonna.

"You've already been violated. It's just not worth it. It's too much humiliation."

I lost it when I read Grindr as one of the apps that Kylie is on.

I don't care for Julia Roberts as a person— no really, for actual personal reasons related to my actual life and people in it— but to take a photo like that of anyone genuinely crying and in despair and publish it is just nightmarishly inhumane.

I don't know what it says about me that "22 year old boyfriend" is the part that is sticking with me.

Make him resign. Close down their chilren's facility. Bring them up on criminal charges. Tar and feather them. Send their children to a re-education camp so they'll grow up sane.

"She will play a character named Michelle Bachman. Her character will be an outspoken critic of Shark N.A.T.O. an international organization created to deal with the increasing threat of Selachimorpha / meteorological phenomena. She opposes Shark N.A.T.O. and would prefer that U.S. dollars stay in the U.S. to fight

Ok, this is really long but:

I first saw Grey Gardens twenty years ago, when I was 16, at my then boyfriends apartment on a much watched VHS tape. I am not exaggerating when I say it changed my life and my perception of people. Beyond the obvious sadness of the Beale ladies, I saw a drive to stay true to oneself, inspite of what others around you

I don't know that she's a mystery so much as a product of her time and upbringing. I've always felt she was limited by her sex, her time period, her upbringing (women of lesser means became independent, though I think that was really frowned upon for her), the entirely gothic aura of lost potential and family ruin

Watching Little Edie circle round the revelation in the documentary Greg Gardens, I was struck by the thought that we all secretly long for self-awareness. If our lives are a puzzle that we must solve, sometimes (if we suspect that the finished image will be an ugly one) it's easier to let it go unsolved. If the

Escaping Convict Set = Passes.

What are you talking about? Is it not clear to you what the relevance of the death of an important and respected documentarian is?