Considering how few people, men, especially, understand female anatomy and how it works, I think it might need to be even more obvious.
Considering how few people, men, especially, understand female anatomy and how it works, I think it might need to be even more obvious.
Um... have you seen the rest of the movie? The other characters ain't running around in jeans. They are clearly going for a very specific look.
Right? She had soup. For one meal. While filming. Not understanding what the big deal is.
I find that entirely reasonable. She wasn't on a liquid diet, she just had a liquid lunch on the days she was shooting. Does no one here ever eat soup for lunch?
I feel like TED talks are the LinkedIn of speeches; you hear about them but they're just a world away form anything that seems relevant unless you're in a very small, ValleyWag circle.
Did she really get ahead, though? Or did she get bullied into hiding for years?
She's gorgeous! Why would she want to date a shitstick like Chris Brown?
What I don't understand is why you and others expect a teenager to...not sound like a teenager. She sounds like a 14 year old.
Is "creative weirdo" an insult? Because that describes both of them perfectly.
She's a beautiful child and yeah, she's wacky. But I think she's gonna grow up to be some sort of Björk/Tilda Swinton creative weirdo. Her brother, not so much. She just has a something. Maybe I'm wrong but shit, we make way stupider and less interesting people famous all the fucking time so why not?
The process of burying the dead is for the living, not the dead themselves. Its part the local societal practices.
"Dubai peeps!"
Oh my god. I was going to share a story about how I got stiffed tonight (as soon as they sat down, I knew. Hearing aids, rude as hell, literally asked me what a potato was, what a leek was) but OH MY GOD DO NOT SEAT YOURSELF DO NOOOOT SEAT YOURSELF. YOU CAN ONLY SEAT YOURSELF AT THE BAR (sometimes) DO NOT SEAT…
Glad I'm not dumb enough to throw away my life over teen peen.
It's one thing to have a virgin grasshopper, daiquiri, etc.
Brace yourselves, everyone.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, the BIZARRO EDITION:
So at this place, everything tastes like ham?
But it's specifically called Irish coffee because it's alcoholic. You know, like the Irish.
Ugh, some of these employees have so much attitude. If you're unwilling to do things just because they're logically impossible, maybe customer service isn't for you.