Dr. Stephen Strange

Jewish people were persecuted and the answer was to give them their own State.

Shhhh.  People round these parts don’t like uncomfortable truths. 

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

Tribalism is ingrained in the human condition. It served an important evolutionary purpose which humans no longer require in order to succeed as a species. I find it troubling how many think that “Separate but equal’ is a viable option for society. Historically it has never worked. Not one time. People believing that

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

Bummer, I know their hands were kind of tied with keeping the Boom! Comics slightly in canon with the original show, but it has been a great 8 year run. I’m on the TBPs so I’m not really current but the run from beginning to the title rebrand was fantastic.

1. Her views aren’t bigoted. Her core belief is that women should be allowed to have their own spaces, sports leagues etc.

No, it isn’t. You wish it was, and think it is, because you live in a lefty bubble where everyone agrees with you. There’s plenty of polls out there on this.

The reality that a lot of terminally online far-left people don’t want to face is that the majority of the population does not consider anything JK Rowling has said to be transphobic or bigoted. Most people agree with her views. The majority of people do not think trans women should be competing in women’s sports

Transvestites killed by the Nazis were all either gay or Jewish. The idea that people were targetted for being trans in the modern sense when the concept was unheard of at the time is ridiculous.

And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.

But we saw what happens when the mutants try it on their own terms, they turn into the Inhumans, living on their own private paradise island, enjoying diplomatic immunity from ALL crimes against humans, with their own black ops team that ends up destroying an entire jungle nation thanks to Beast, and Xavier mentally

So any time a movie comes out that have humans and robots becoming friends are we now going to just assume an AI wrote it and not just a lazy screen writer? I heard the same thing about The Creator last year. I mean was the Matrix Reloaded written by AI? What about Terminator 2? Short Circuit?  I mean its a lazy trope

In a post credit scene, we’ll see Deadpool doing a hero discussion table with She-hulk and talking about the problems around too much fourth-wall breaking gags.

Any chance the cocaine bit was made just for the trailer? I’m wondering how many Disney/Feige references they can actually squeeze into this without going overboard.

....what? I’m not homophobic but you’re reading something that wasn’t there dude.... and if that is what they were going for than that would be queer-baiting.... also it would fall into the “old homosexuals” in fiction trope where you find out about their sexuality moments before their death or when they’re of old age

The kiss between Maximus and Lucy, only to reveal the severed heads they're holding are also kissing was one of the funniest moments of television I've seen in a long while

And Venture Bros did a way more interesting take on Scooby Doo anyway. Hell, Venture Bros does unpleasant and sociopathic characters better than Velma, too.

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Agreed - even if you don’t want to make the jump forward, you could still get the Jameses Corey to write more Expanse in the time it was left off at.