Dr. Stephen Strange

The political stance is “political extremism and intransigence and a demand that literally every piece of media be an apocalyptic, good-versus-evil propaganda piece for ‘your’ side is eroding the fabric of America to the point where a violent civil war is actually thinkable.”

Disney hired child sexual predator Dan Schneider to produce childrens’ shows, knowing he spent time in jail for child sexual abuse. You can literally rape children and Disney will give you access to them, but make fun of liberals online, and you’re out. LMAO

I have the utmost confidence that Paramount will continue to steer Star Trek into the ground at warp 9.997, and that any hits that emerge, such as Lower Decks, will be completely accidental, and that anything that is a runaway success, Alex Kurtzman will do his best to kill it or ruin it somehow. (See also: Prodigy,

Their attempts to rehabilitate that character were highly misguided at best.

I love Trek. I love Yeoh. I do not want more Giorgio. The adventures of “reformed” space Hitler do not appeal to me.

I mean theres always Gillian Jacobs ,Samara Weaving or  Jaimie Pressley.

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald:

What a surprise...

It’s a teaser.

I actually laughed when it started, like, they’re intentionally making fun of that trope, right?

The mutilated strains of the Harry Belafonte classic, rendered appropriately joyless in the style of every Hollywood trailer of the last 15 years

- The AV Club

the need to bring that movie up in any conversation about Ghostbusters only amplifies the “doth protest too much” of that discourse. like...let it go already.

Agreed. I wanted so badly to like that movie, because I like everyone involved and hated the misogynistic bullshit it was dealing with, but within like, 20 minutes I knew it was just... not good. It had a few moments here and there but that’s about the best I can say for it.

to be clear, Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters was terrible. It had nothing to do with the casting (all very funny actresses) and everything to do with the slipshod CGI, even more slipshod humor, and general lack of fun.

Isolation was a commercial failure. It was a great game but a stealth horror game is never going to be as successful as an action game (which is why the vast majority of Alien games are shooters). The most recent game in the franchise is Dark Descent which is based on Aliens. Before that was Fireteam Elite which,

My brother in Christ, Alien is entirely about getting raped by a alien. 

I think you could argue it was always about Alien sexual assault? 

So they are lifting heavily from Isolation.