Dr. Stephen Strange

>For fans of the original games, Fallout 3 comes off as an inferior fanfic that borrowed a lot of the superficial bits of the first game, but didn’t quite understand the core of the experience (see: hbomberguy’s analysis on YouTube).

Well, he isn’t wrong. You’ll never please everyone. That said, if you don’t try and adhere to what makes the original so beloved then you’re not going to make anyone happy.

>Our major parties are a center-right party and a far-right party, by any reasonable metric, since they are both capitalist, the economic ideology of the right.

It wasn’t the election of Lincoln the person per se, it was the lection of Lincoln despite him not being on any southern ballot. It meant that the southern states could be bound to follow a policy they didn’t support because the President didn’t need their input in order to be elected.

Big assumption that most of the people on staff would remember the 90s.

I get the feeling that you’re the kind of person who latches onto any argument he can in order to justify genocide, totalitarianism, mass murder, and slavery.

>Biden is “just” useless

I’m not surprised you support people who love genocidal mass murderers. Supporting totalitarian genocide really fits your m.o.

Now playing

I like that you’re so confident about what you know despite not even being able to remember who the other person she mentioned was, suggesting that your memory is clearly incomplete.

Yeah, Eskimo isn’t one of those terms that is inherently offensive (it most likely comes from the Algonquin: Ayas̆kimew and means something like, “A person who laces a snow shoe”) but it has fallen out of favor over time. I get it too, the word Inuit means “the people” and that is about as non-offensive a general term

It is a very good read. Its a great manga. But I can see why people wouldn’t like it if they were looking for an X-Men story. Because this first issue definitely isn’t an X-Men story.

I’ve noticed that the stories by Zwiezen specifically are especially shallow and superfluous. And as Giz continues its slow collapse, people like Zwiezen do more and more because there is no one else around to do it. Which only contributes to the problem.

>Talking about layoffs is, in fact, the least a person chasing the cultural cache he desires needs to do.

>burned down for a quick buck,

Ed with a giant gun is stupid.

This is exciting news. BioShock I & II and some of my favorite games. So, I’ve wanted to play System Shock for a very long time but never had the desire to play a game released in 1994.

Hey, Anita Dunn said Mao was one of her favorite philosophers (despite murdering somewhere around 45 million people and enslaving tens of millions more) and that Mao was one of the political examples she turns to most for guidance. And she fell upwards from White House communications director to being a presidential se

Political cultists of every ilk shell out money for stupid political stuff. Look at how many people have no problem using the hammer and sickle despite the Soviets murdering tens of millions of people and literally enslaving tens of millions of more in the gulags.

Makes me kind of sad. I do remember having some good lunches there. But that was over a decade ago when I lived nearer to one.