Screenshot is probably a crack dealer. Normal people stay out of Del Paso Heights and West Sac...
Screenshot is probably a crack dealer. Normal people stay out of Del Paso Heights and West Sac...
@za_bullet: You can probably rent it out for a pre-release screening, actually. I've attended a few "day before" showings of new movies with a friend as a company perk.
@wætherman: Usually, that's the fault of the movie studios, not Apple. Blame the horrid creation called HDCP that has been shoved onto tech companies by movie studios. :/
I should go through TSA in some of my obnoxious novelty boxers..
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some Christian organization like Daystar buying it out... so they can feed religious "educational" information to a whole new market.
I've always wondered how auto insurance and stuff works in other countries...
@phiyuku: This is true. If you ask the AG of New York, bittorrent and usenet are just packed full of CP.. but in all of my years of leeching porn, I have never run across it. Never. Yet we read about these sting operations where guys have tens of thousands of images and the media wants us to think that it's just a few…
@Walljasper: When I left California, one of the first things I did was remove the "California-compliant" junk from my 'off-list lower' AR-15 and never looked back. It was great. ;)
@Go Vols!: Don't forget about our VP, who has received failing grades from tech privacy groups for years, our DOJ with five former top RIAA lawyers (including the guy that basically killed Grokster) and plenty of Democrats that have had money shoveled at them by Hollywood (MPAA & RIAA) for many years. Republicans may…
One of the things that Google has failed to answer with Google TV is *how* does it make my life any better. Great, search on my TV. I already have a search function that I never use. I don't need apps on my TV since I already have them and don't use them, and I don't need WebTV 2.0 either.
@reapur: Wait until Apple takes care of that pesky Beatles record company (Apple Corps) and becomes a full fledged record label themselves. ;-)
@Walljasper: pistol grip + removable magazine = yup, illegal in California. But add a monsterman grip and you're good to go! ;-)
Free trip to AU? Sounds like a win. Stop whining. I'd love to have such a deal. :/ My twitter username (different from my giz name) is mixed up with a complete idiot. :?
Maybe it's just YouTube? If I share a video done in portrait with someone, QuickTime plays it in portrait mode.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: They had it in my area last year. it might depend on your market.
@BrknPheonix: Yeah, same here. I suppose I could strap an iPhone to a cow, but that would make for a pretty boring game. :/
@LordLicorice: Profiling leads to cries of racism and a bunch of lawsuits, usually.
And iirc, you need a newer Apple TV. It doesn't work on the original white Apple TV.
@cc: Agreed. At the very least, it should be a user configurable option.
Master: Me order! Me Master! Me run Bartertown!