@jabber: That is exactly what I said. ;-) The production costs are next to nothing nowadays. Even HD cameras have dropped significantly in price.
@jabber: That is exactly what I said. ;-) The production costs are next to nothing nowadays. Even HD cameras have dropped significantly in price.
@xsbs: And fairly family-unfriendly too.
"will be distributed to organizations that advance the privacy interests of internet users"
If only it was underground.. maybe under Raccoon City, or something...
This is yet another industry that has been slowly moving out of the United States for a while now. While a lot of it still comes from the US, more and more 'content' is made in European countries now. The price to produce said content has dropped dramatically too.
@Canoehead: Absolutely. I do remember the use of Facebook, Twitter, and the white house website though.
@clickmyface: The DOJ picks aren't just mingled in the 100k. They're pretty high-up positions, like right behind the Attorney General.
at least he didn't grab the kid and say "Hey, bonus! Free iPhone!" too.
@Daver73: Wow. How long before that gets picked up by Fox News and everyone dismisses it because it's on Fox News?
He ran as tech savvy? How is that even possible when he had a VP that was universally despised by tech & privacy groups?
@MegaShark: be careful.. I re-watched some movies that I used to think were awesome but was let down. Some things are better left back in childhood. ;-)
Is this going to be 3D only? I absolutely cannot watch 3D movies with those glasses. ... :/
@MitchSchaft: the media likes gun buzzwords like that. If they're not calling it a "sniper rifle" or "semiautomatic" they're just misidentifying it as an AK-47.
It's that little machine gun cart from Maximum Overdrive, I tell ya...
@theGigaflop: Your setup is a mess then, because I've been using AirPort Express units and have never had a problem with non-Apple stuff. I have a Roku, Wii and PC laptops on mine at home and have been getting excellent speeds.
@HackBerry: I've bought Oakley glasses because at the fire department I need something that actually has an ANSI rating. The cheap shades I was buying don't. This is one of the reasons you'll see a lot of firefighters with Oakleys. While they are not safety glasses, they're impact resistant.
@AreWeThereYeti: and then people buy more servers. Quick! Buy stock in Dell!
Minimally invasive stuff is pretty cool. I had back surgery earlier in the year to have a disc cut out (partial) and the incision scar is tiny.
@CrispyAardvark: PaceButler in Oklahoma.
@medopal: No, that's not the only solution. AirVideo does a damn good job.