
It's a shame this movie was written by insecure 12-year-olds because the animation is gorgeously fluid. What a huge waste.

It won't be as funny as the stories about adults choosing to watch this movie by themselves.

I don't see how "cartoon says the f-word" becomes less of a non-joke with better production values.

Probably, the pay gap is generally even worse for trans women than it is for cis women.

Most parents are also pretty transphobic.

I think she dropped the dollar sign

We have evidence that false rape accusations generally are:
-a very inconvenient way to get out of a contract
-frequently come from people who were suffering a different kind of abuse even if it wasn't sexual

They pulled that game pretty soon after tho.

Look I'll give you the short version, this album has lyrics that depict immigrants as a faceless, bloodthirsty enemy and removes any context about them fleeing persecution. This is some pretty old school propaganda shit. In the context of having a presidential candidate getting a huge bubble of support to block all

I'm not going to pretend all opinions have the same level merit. We generally agree that there are some opinions, like white supremacy, should be called out for the bigoted horseshit they are. I don't think anti-immigrant rhetoric is a lot better.

"Xenophobia is bad" is not a narrow worldview

LARPng is still pretty easy to make fun of.

I think we'll just have to disagree then. I don't think a works quality and message are ever going to be completely separate. I think reactionary bullshit should be called out by everybody, including critics, on level beyond "I personally don't like this." I don't think reactionary bullshit necessarily makes a work

Of course changing a song's message can ruin it! If the Beatles sang in favor eugenics instead peace & love then they would be a much worse band despite their other merits.

Again, I don't see why the grade matters that much as long as you talk about the albums other strengths, which the reviewer did. People are capable of actually reading a review after they see a letter grade.

But he did talk about the technical merits in detail, though. I can see how it comes across when you spend most of your time talking about the guitar solos in detail and then follow it with "…but xenophobia." He probably should have been more specific ("Fear-ladden culture?" You can just say "Donald Trump" y'know) on

Everything is so politically correct these days, you can't even say you want to ban all Muslims anymore!

It's really sad to see people are treating blatant xenophobia as a minor difference in politics.

The View-Monster is thoroughly excellent album.

Like, I know this isn't a new observation, but I do like drawing attention to how the albums were actually recorded. It kinda bothers me that that anyone can fast forward a song now and call it a "Chipmunks version."