
"Adult comedian EVISCERATES children's cartoon band made to annoy parents!

"do they testify in court that they WEREN'T raped? " Yeah sometimes. It's not uncommon for abuse victims to tell inconsistent stories about how they were treated, even under oath.

Because rape victims always come forward immediately? Accusing someone of rape, especially someone who has power over you, will put you through an enormous level of bullshit even if you win.

To be fair, not all of the comments are coming from MRAs, half of them are coming from just one really dedicated Miley Cyrus fan.

Are you seriously using the "Oh, but seems like a nice guy" defense? Rapists can look like absolutely anybody. Whether or not Dr. Luke "seems like a nice guy" is 100% irrelevant to the discussion.

I'm not excusing perjury, I'm just saying that it's completely normal behavior for rape victims and she had a pretty clear incentive to not come forward.

You know it's not easy to just straight up say you where raped, especially if it's against someone who has a lot power over you. This really is not uncommon behavior for rape victims at all.

Y'know, a lot of people in this thread have said some shittriffic comments, but I don't think I've seen lot of straight up rape apologia here.


Apparently, if you sign a shady contract and put out some bad pop music, you're undeserving of any sympathy.

"Sexy and I Know It" can die in a fire though.

*eyes dart nervously*

I don't think the problem with this episode wasn't that it was "light" or "lacked pathos", it just felt a little stale. Like, American Idol parodies and religious cults are kinda well-trod territory and they didn't really do anything particularly unique with them. They had some real funny bits, and that's not an

I don't think you can contribute to it's ratings unless your a Neilson household.

So…. a Garfield AMV?

BoJack in the House

The nice thing about the AV Club comment section is that they rarely get more than a couple of MRA buttwipes and when they do show they get shot down pretty quick.

On the plus-side, BoJack probably won't do anything worse than this.

Just bite on a lemon.
