
Honestly, AV Club should just have a "New Media" or "Web Original" section. The title "Great Job, Internet!" devalues the work of the individuals who just make their living on the internet.

Vanilla Ice did the original Neil Cicierega remix of Under Pressure

I mean, he's already been recording original music for years under the name Lemon Demon so he didn't exactly ascend. Check out Spirit Phone, it's fantastic. View Monster is a pretty great album, too.

You could make a political compass with those four tweets

Dril has been responsible for some of the best surreal comedy on the internet I've seen but the phrase "the mystery man behind the account has made magic with 140 characters" invoked a visceral, angry reaction in me.

I think I first caught coast 2 coast when I was little single digit tyke. I was way too young to appreciate how surreal it was but I did enjoy the slapstick of Zorak getting zapped. Moltar and Zorak where indispensable comedic foils and the Dr.Weird bits on ATHF where beautifully delivered. What a huge loss for voice

If I hate my job I should just quit?

Nonsexual hugging

Everyone knows real female hot dog buns have boobs

Imagine telling people you got your break in animation by making Seth Rogen's food characters fuck.

"Grandmother Bringing Children Into 'Sausage Party' Outraged Over What A Fucking Shit Movie It Was"

It's possible the leaked script wasn't final but man has the marketing team been doing a swell job of making this look like every dude bro cartoon ever.

So did the food orgy make the final cut or

"It's hacky to give gendered traits to female anthropomorphized objects, but not male ones."

Honestly, I was probably more attentive to potholes as a child than I am as an adult.

No movie that has Octopus that has realistic color changing powers can be a complete bust.

I feel the title "Great Job, Internet" kinda devalues the work of the individual and outstanding work like this calls attention to it.

This is the worst cover of "We Didn't Start the Fire" ever.

Uh, I don't think "Truscum" was coined by cis people? There's a number of trans activists that agree disphoria isn't required to be trans. Like, it's controversial but it's a lot more complicated than "cis people moving the goalposts".