
Excuse me, some of us are trying to have a civilization here!

Is it just me, but it sounded like those Dutch were swearing in English. Either that or our curse words are the same

No, not quite.

These salaries are horrifying, but if you want a life of luxury you don’t go to write for an indie paper.

I still say the name of the century was the Russian whose visa I processed while working at the US Embassy in Moscow - Семён Фартйчев ( Semen Fartychev)

You’re an idiot. HE didn’t get fired, he handed in his resignation like every single other appointee. The only question is whether Trump will accept it or ask him to stay on until a replacement is found. This article isn’t even accurate, the NNSA said. The two haven’t been told they’re leaving. I’ll post a link to

You’re an idiot. The NNSA isn’t in charge of daily maintenance of the arsenal, but there is a whole hell of a lot that goes into making and managing the materials that go into a nuke. Ever heard of Oak Ridge? Lawrence Livermore labs? All NNSA.

This article is not accurate. See link:

What, exactly, was despicable about what they did? They didn’t dox him as they didn’t release his info to anybody. All they did was threaten to tell on him to his mom. That’s not breaking any laws, they didnt harm the child in any way, they just taught him the adult lesson that actions have consequences.

Is there anything in this game that's not just like Spore?

If this had happened outside some Tim Hortons in a one-stoplight town in Manitoba everyone would be like, “what a goon.,” but since he pulled this off in Disneyworld he's rightly being held up as a hero. The detail about how the cop knew he meant business because he went white as a ghost while wielding bowling pins is

Wow, what a whiny, delusional, entitled little twat. Welcome to the real world, bub. Nobody cares if making YouTube videos with other people’s material gives you some sense of fulfillment, you can’t make money off of other people’s copyrighted material without their permission. Full stop. End of story.

You do know that horses existed before there ever was such a thing as horse racing and continue to be bred in significant numbers for purposes independent of racing, right?

“How Many Kings Went to an Optional Shootaround?”

I didn't think identical twins ever fought like that, seeing as if one of them gets hurt the other one feels it too...

“to get tits deep pow shots you just need to be on your edges”

Anybody who uses violence against somebody who's done nothing wrong other than be in a consensual relationship with a woman who is no longer in a relationship with them will rightly catch a well deserved charge and a visit from the po-po. That's how it works in the real world, not the law of the jungle/ghetto.

I don’t know what you think you mean by “privacy rights” but you pretty much forfeit any claim to that when you contact somebody on a public website

Help? What kind of help? There's no fixing that level of ignorant.

You can take the thug out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the thug.