Dr. Samuel Johnson

Assuming the alt-left is the mirror image of the alt-right then it's just communists who think they have a branding problem which they've solved with khakis and stupid haircuts.

Makes sense. Before the polos and khakis, and with the exception of some kook authors and pseudo-intellectuals, white power groups were basically just straight up criminal enterprises. Prison and biker gangs that identified with white power are doing the exact same things that the Richard Spenser types accuse "thugs"

He'll just slide into the camera at every appearance and give us good view of his mace, which I'm assuming is more than just ceremonial.

Sometimes I wonder about which well known person would make a good King/Queen or other apolitical head of state for the U.S. I think we could just join the commonwealth and use the current Queen, and then maybe let Bruce Springsteen be Governor-General or something.

Got it. That makes sense.

To be fair to Fallon he really seems to enjoy being an apolitical dope. Which I think is fine, maybe there should be a show like that. It's just sad that denouncing a lack of denouncing Nazis is apparently such a political stance that makes it Jimmy Fallon feel like he's giving a speech denouncing tax reform.

Cause there would be nothing to stonewall. Heads of state, even those elected on a partisan ticket are pretty apolitical. If Obama was a European President, there'd be lots of "No red America, blue America" speeches, but not a whole lot of giving a progressive vision for the country.

Although it's pretty rare in cable tv, some commentators pride themselves on having some intellectual honesty rather than being a pure hack.

I'm confused. Do you think Obama would have been a better head of state than head of government?

I didn't watch it but apparently he did.

Idk about that. Now that pissing off liberals has become one of the most basic tenants of Trumpism, I'd say Grammer and Woods are worlds apart. Grammer doesn't go out of his way to piss everyone off with nonsense and trolling.

That's an interesting analogy to landlord and tenant. In pretty much every state, generally landlords can't engage in "self-help" and evict someone outside of the judicial process. I wonder if similar protections will evolve for the hosting of websites? Dropping the Daily Stormer appears to be a no-brainer, but if

And the prosecutor did the right thing at the end by dropping charges when he knew he didn't have enough to continue. But the police interrogator is pretty villainous when they deliberately misinterpreted "I shot the clerk?" so that it is framed as a confession.

My evidence professor did one better and showed parts of it in class to illustrate topics. And I'm pretty sure that's a common experience.

If they did a Next Gen, I think they'd get a bunch of A-listers in their twenties to play the new counselors.

I said something similar in another thread WHAS probably isn't going to suddenly end making sense. If there ever is another series, it will probably turn out that Coop did embellish things or make them up, just not any of the crazier parts.

Which is why the opposite is probably true, because this is WHAS, after all.

Everything being made up for Coop's book is the logical inference one should take away. But this is WHAS, where logic and sense have never applied. So even though it's clearly inviting that inference, I don't think it should be taken at face value.

I think you mean dumbest alien from planet Vinci.

Wouldn't Baloo be like a hundred years old? Since Tailspin appeared to take place in the late 30s