Dr. Samuel Johnson

The reason that Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek, is that it actually questioned the Federation's utopia. But sometimes I think it fell somewhat short by focusing on things like Section 31, and not questioning the entire structure of the Federation. Despite apparently having an elected civilian President and

Not just civilization, "Men of the West."

Here's a symphonic Star Trek medley arrangement that's pretty good.

That's actually really tricky. Right-wing flag fetishism is pretty hard to overcome. They're more likely to respond with charges of "disrespect" and "desecration."

Vogue obviously wasn't sending a political message with the shoot, that part is very stupid. And it's usually pretty rich when right-wingers, who typically adore the symbolic trappings of a nation, find one that gets them upset. But I'd actually contend that liberals are being disingenuous if they think that the

I wasn't sure if that was deliberate

Law seems to be becoming less sexist.

It seems like Disqus trolls only come out for the politically charged articles, which granted, there are a lot of these days. But Kinja will ruin the rest of the the site where that doesn't happen as often or at all. Like WOT or most TV Club reviews.

We'll see Trump supporters at BLM rallies too. They were pretty upset about the heavy-handed execution of search warrants recently.

Which is hilarious, because hyper-masculinity was a primary target of the satire.

If there's actually a move that has convinced people eugenics is super-rad, it's Idiocracy.

I rremember seeing 300 when I was 18 (as a male, I was in the target audience), and I didn't really enjoy it because it was dumb. Since I wasn't really familiar with Zack Snyder or the comics, I thought it would be more akin to Braveheart but with more violence and stylization. But I couldn't get over all the weird

300 probably didn't influence people to change their beliefs. It just reflected beliefs people already had and gave those people the type of fantasy they wanted.

No, because it was justifying the baby-killing.

This is not the Nazi tweet scandal I was expecting. I figured he would have retweeted @whitegenocide or something.

I wasn't as interested in their storyline at first, but it definitely ended up having the best payoff at the end.

The proliferation of services by companies and studios is starting to resemble the make up of premium cable where there's a bunch of services that you have to buy access to. I'm assuming at some point ISPs will make agreements with them and figure out a way to bundle access to them and you'll have to buy a plan that

Can't wait for Trump to tweet about how disgraceful former DJ and current Special Counsel Robert Mueller is for groping Taylor Swift. They only let reality TV hosts do that.

The best is how she once wrote a column saying that "unconstitutional" was a liberal catchphrase, which she followed up with another column about Obama's "constitutional anarchy" and how he flagrantly violated the constitution. The irony was evidently lost on her.

She used to engage in shoddy legal analysis over at Above the Law, despite graduating from Harvard Law. Of course Above the Law is the place for shoddy legal analysis by people who went to excellent law schools but couldn't cut it as lawyers. So it really makes sense she would move from there to CNN, to Trump, to the