Dr. Samuel Johnson

Signing up for disqus gave me the opportunity to go to some other sites. It's mostly just troll fighting. Sometimes I do that at the Atlantic from time to time, but it's doesn't really gain you anything.

I guess this is probably one of the last disqus based articles so I guess I'll say bye here. Even if I used a kinja account it looks like a bunch of users are leaving. I lurked here for awhile and was always impressed at how funny, and insightful the comments were. I read a lot of good theories, stories, jokes and

How do they keep up with the news like that?

And vice versa. They usually come from there too. I was half-joking with someone once, that taking a few years to work for the SEC or Treasury is basically a duty that high level Wall Street people have to do from time to time. Like your boss will come in and be like "Hey it's your turn to be an Assistant Treasury

I don't think most guys fantasize about it. Rather, I think it's just a candid admission that if they could, they probably would.

It's weird to lump in McMaster in with Jared and Ivanka. He's a decorated officer who apparently has thought seriously about national security and warfare his whole life, while Jared and Ivanka are products of nepotism. But whether the opposition is from knowledge or toadyism, all opponents to Bannon are the same

That's an excellent quote I've never heard before. Thanks for that.

Kellyanne will never leave. They need her to go out there and say the dumbest possible thing in response to the most recent dumb thing the administration did. Her devotion to illogical, non-sequiturs, and mendacity, in the face of troubles make her the story, not the actual administration fuck up.

It needs to be a statement that a person would reasonably believe is asserting a fact. A reasonable person reading the headline and article, on a pop culture website known for snark, would know the cock sucking jokes are just jokes and the actual factual matter is that Bannon was dismissed from the White House. Now if

Why work hard and be the best you can be as an individual, when you can just take indirect credit for inventing the lightbulb because you and Edison are cut from the same white cloth?

It will probably be another retired General. Trump might be the first leader in history to orchestrate a military coup on himself.

He really did get out at a good time

It's basically Comey all over again. Trump pretends like he's firing someone for good reasons, but it's actually a self-serving move. It's further complicated because more honest people than Trump in power think there are actual compelling reasons for dismissal. Career prosecutor Rod Rosenstein thought Comey should be

Buzzfeed had an interesting piece on his worldview that made it seem like he practically wanted to form a European-style Socialist Party and he was really closer to Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren in terms of policy and could have a more class conscious society. But of course he failed because race trumps class almost

Was this whole thing just Rick and Morty teaching us a lesson about the futility of loving anything?

Human memory isn't always wrong, often, but not always.

Like Plumpy'nut?

I call bullshit. Who would see someone "running down the street" and assume they were Seth Rogen?

Galaxy Quest is great because it's the perfect parody of Star Trek and Star Trek fandom while also having the exact same kind of heart that Star Trek actually had. Of course while all Treks share some of the same DNA, Galaxy Quest was really focused on the Original Series. So if they're going to go forward with

I think it makes sense cause they don't have a lot of options other than intimidation for their goals. I was brainstorming ways for the "alt-right" to use civil disobedience and passive resistance and it often be absurd as it sounds. Like sitting in at the Univeristy of Texas until white people with average GPAs are