I just want you to know, good luck, we're all counting on you.
I just want you to know, good luck, we're all counting on you.
My daughter had her first date a couple of weeks ago.
Well, those are some perfectly cromulent license plates.
Even the theme park ride experiences differ dramatically. The Spiderman ride 3D barely looks like 3D to me. But the Transformers ride at the same park is quite good. I suppose that's because the Transformers ride was built like 15 years later. In which case, they should upgrade Spiderman.
I've seen 3 movies in 3D (recently, anyway. I am old enough that I saw Jaws 3-D in the theater, as well). Both Gravity and How to Train Your Dragon made good use of the 3D. But Pacific Rim made me wish I had not.
Another sympathy upvote.
Once again, my daughter was in a local theater show. This time, it was Alice in Wonderland. So Friday night, we went to watch it. Saturday, Mrs. Rumak and I volunteered at the concession stand. Sunday, my sister came into town to watch it, so we watched my 1 year old niece while she went. Also caught a showing of…
Also Wonder Woman, but in 2D, and on Saturday.
Eh, it wasn't half-vlad.
Better choose the right millennial. I mean we already know that Taylor Swift, for example, has Bad Blood.
Well, it can be two things.
According to Wikipedia it developed from the Old English "sunne".
I just want to tell you both, good luck, we're all counting on you.
I had that happen last week. Confused some folks.
We had our induction ceremony last night, so Mrs. Rumak and I are officially Lions now (members of the Satellite Beach Lions Club).
Well, it's nice of Universal to let him use it for a Disney movie, then.
It can be two things.
My weekend was good. In addition to going to the Orlando Botanical Gardens and taking the kids to Ikea (where they like to eat at the cafe, although with the kids now eating adult portions combined with the Ikea cafe portion sizes shrinking slowly over time, it is no longer the good value it used to be), I went…
Depending on how realistic the thing is, we may never get her out of the shop.
No need to be cross. Pun threads are just the natural order of things around here.