Dr Rumak

Moor Othello and Still Moor Othello

In a row? Yes. All at once? Well, I'll definitely have to break it up. Probably 2-3 sets of 40, and then some smaller sets with a minute break in between. I suspect the whole workout will take me close to 90 minutes.

On the plus side, if I really like a comment, I can log out and upvote it again.

Oh dammit. I finally signed up for an actual Disqus account so that I could upvote a Cookie Monster comment on Nathan Rabin's website. But now, when Disqus logs me out of my AVClub account, instead of refusing to post, it just defaults to the Disqus account. This one is connected to my Twitter account, so it has a

At Crossfit, it is the tradition to do a workout named "Murph" on Memorial Day.
This is a 1 mile run, followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and then another mile run. I can't do pull-ups, so I'll have to replace those with either ring rows or jumping pull-ups. But I expect to be sore as heck

Hey. How's it going in [insert your location here]?

Work has really gotten much better over the past month and a half. I'm not even actively looking for jobs elsewhere.

I just got How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg from the library this morning. Have not started it yet.

People are still wearing them, you just can't see them when they do. Because they're cloaked.

I just want you to know, good luck, we're all counting on you.

Well, Chicago Justice still lasted longer on NBC than it did under Rahm Emanuel.

You can tell me. I'm a doctor.

Of course he's going full method with Van Gogh. He wouldn't hear of doing it any other way. (At least not from one side).

Saturday, I finally made it to GotG2, which I found mildly disappointing. Then I had a lot of sushi. Sunday, I went on a 17 mile bike ride, and then watched Hidden Figures, which was good, and got some work done.

I enjoyed it, although this one was pretty small. It was a local playwright showcase, so it consisted of a couple of small one act plays, in which she had a minor role.

Definitely a family weekend. My wife's uncle is doing a driving trip across the country, and came to visit us on Friday night.
Did a lot of driving my daughter back and forth to the theater, as she was in one play (with three performances this weekend) and in rehearsal for another. (We all went to the Friday night

When basically anything happens during the game—an inning ends, a run scores, a batter strikes out—everyone in the stadium drinks a beer.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up buying Xbox games.

A couple months ago, I found an Xbox 360 at a flea market for $75. A couple weeks ago, I found a Kinect for $10 at a pawn shop. I had to spend $10 for a connector. But now, I can play Just Dance with the Mrs. and the kids and feel like I'm getting in a good cardio workout.

I just want to tell you both, good luck, we're all counting on you.