
Your car is new so now is the time to make the investment in snows and a 2nd set of wheels. Its 2x the upfront cost for 2x the life and much better traction so you definitely come out ahead if you keep the car long enough to use the full life of the tires

Real students also drive FWD vehicles with lunch trays under the rears.

Let me save everyone some time. Conclusions - traction control on: Audi slightly better. Traction control off: Audi more sloppy than the others. Trade-offs abound, and no real standout winner.

You’re welcome.

$20k can buy a lot of coke, my dude.

I believe it may just be you.

Have you drove in a Wrangler as a DD? I have a few family members that have newer Wranglers and they are extremely uncomfortable for the most part. I know I couldnt stand it. It might be their route (a lot of highways and stop and go traffic in construction), but even on smooth roads, it had a rough ride compared to a

So the correct answer is to buy a Wrangler, 4runner, or Tacoma and do whatever your heart desires? Keep it 2 years and trade it, or keep it 10 years, they barely depreciate

People say “we are fortunate” because all the schooling and financial planning won’t mean anything if your hit by sudden an unexpected health issues, especially early in your career. Cancer bankrupts people in the US.

High Driving Performance Event. Started in Colorado, spreading to other states.

What is an HDPE car? All I can think of when I see that is high density polyethylene. 

Honda had a version called “Euro Yellow,”

It seems a little weird to have an article about a performer being erased from videos that doesn’t include a picture of the performer?

Typical GM quality, they probably inserted one and it fell off on the way to the ad getting printed.

I hope you’re not expecting anyone here to dissuade you from making a questionable automotive purchase.

“Americas exotic car”?

Speaking of Fit, how about that jacket?

Where we’re going, we don’t need pants. 

I’ve no doubt you’ve changed the minds of many by telling them to “get bent”.

Most cyclists just want to safely get where they are going and are doing their best to do so.”

But unions are great and we should never question them!