
inebriation is a pretty cool blessing, too, tbh

Great article but I’m mostly here for the dick jokes myself

exclusive: yet another commenter blows smoke out their ass without looking at the research. here, let me do the work for you:

I just see hot dogs.

I heard Ferrari was thinking about making an optional Automated Fire Enhancement System available a few years ago, but they decided to just make it standard on all cars.

“Mazdas SkyActive badge. Most have no idea what it means. It just means they cut weight every place they could which has nothing to do with the sky.”

My MJ wears its 4.0 HIGH OUTPUT badge with pride, dammit.

...you’ll get there w(hyundai).

Even cursory research would indicate that Ektar was a lens brand name applied on some of Kodak’s pre- and post-WWII German-manufactured Retina cameras, not the camera itself. And you are far too young and uninformed to be considered an authority on the presumptive quality of all the equipment that Kodak made

Is it weird to say that the specs of the phone are “pathetic” and then list 3GB of ram which is what the iPhone 7 has and is more than my iphone 6? ...

Twist ending: it was a Chevy dealer.

Anybody want to call this guy out as a poser for putting a Rubicon hood on his non-Rubicon?

I knew it was gonna be a high number but 441 lb-ft was a real.... twist.


“the first nonhybrid car this century to achieve 50 MPG on the highway,”

What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

Make it cheap enough for children to afford. Problem solved!