
Yeah, therein lies the rub: No one wants to pay for syndicated filler, but they can’t generate unique content unless they get more people to pay.

One or two people deciding to pay a newspaper subscription fee today is not going to save the journalism industry. This is like when Republicans trot out the old “if you feel like your taxes are too low, go ahead and pay more” quote. Taxes require collective action to work, and it’s looking more and more likely that

As someone who currently pays for NYT & WaPo, despite feeling like local news is important, my local paper has done a piss poor job of selling itself for why I should pay 8 bucks a month for digital access. Aside from local sports content, the print edition which my parents still receive is filled with wire service

“Either way, it’s definitely illegal to stand on the back of an unconscious person and do a cool flip.”

I just want you to know that GenX was fed the same bullshit Millenials were fed but we have been all but forgotten. Really, Millenials are just an extension of the broken paradigm that afflicted GenX. But no one talks about us anymore.

The fact that Zay is a nickname for someone named Isaiah is a testament to how fucked up the spelling of Isaiah is.

It’s like I said on the NFL settlement story from earlier today. Players are only looking out for themselves, not those who come before or after. I didn’t mean it as a criticism specifically against the players, more the general issue with a union that doesn’t know how to best represent it’s entire constituency &

As the titular character of Samer 2, I can guarantee that it is the dankest gane around.

I don’t know how you can call yourself an American and not look at the presidential chode.

Let’s do that with everything with a geeky fan base then???

I like to think she sat there and did it the hard way. Maybe in solidarity

he might not be particularly religious

Just be careful which kind of modest you’re talking here. Modest rural backgrounds are OK. Modest urban backgrounds will be asked to try WR.

Oh I was just thinking of what else we can get in there.


Can you all clear this up for me. I never learned how to play tennis “correctly” and can only execute a forehand slice consistently. I had a tennis playing friend stop playing with me because I didn’t play “the right way”.

I’ve mentioned this solution before. It’s not perfect, but certainly a bazillion times better than status quo and fairly easy to implement. Set the standings for lotto purposes using the records from halfway into the season (after game 41) as opposed to final records. The truly terrible teams who need the draft stock

Quick explanation in the off-off-off chance you’re serious: No one is alleging that Daniels is a prostitute. No one has EVER alleged that. She is, if the allegations are true, a person with whom Trump had an extramarital affair. On it’s own, that’s no big deal. But here’s the rub (so to speak): if this is true, it’s

Y’all are awfully harsh to someone who got some details wrong. Now I know more details. Now I understand more.

Loud farts can be quite entertaining when executed properly.