
This is terrible, but in the interest maintaining the integrity of the World Series and it’s ratings, we won’t look at the issue until the 1st 5 games of next season

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

Basically, you fuck with people’s symbols at your peril.

It’s what he shouts during climax and had to cover by calling his wife “Mother” so she would think it was about her.

He looks like a stale, old marshmallow that just found out a lesbian couple bought the house next door.



Now playing

Jeff Kent wins for one of the most wonderfully stupid exit interviews.

I feel like they are missing an opportunity here. If you get x number of drinks tossed at you you should get banned from tinder for a period of time (where x is a low number and the period of time is sufficient to deter shitty behaviour).

That sounds like an excuse somebody made. :|

Don’t be. These seperatists are a bunch of sanctimonious assholes. The whole movement really only got rolling at around 2010-2012, before that they were fine with being an autonomous region. They only started to really care when the financial crisis hit and they being the most prosperous part of Spain feeling like

Democrats, rather than enjoying watching Republicans crash and burn their dangerous healthcare repeal bills, are apparently validating whiny Republicans by drafting a compromise bill behind-the-scenes.

“... what the President is doing to this country” not “... what the President is doing for this country”.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

Unfortunately, the alphanumeric passcode can be broken, too - either by software (though, today, it requires paying off prominent hacking groups) or by a judge forcing you to unlock the phone. If you want foolproof then you will need to use a secondary encryption method so even the connection to the data is encrypted.

Kick It Out called it “offensive and discriminatory” and said “racist stereotypes are never acceptable, irrespective of any intention to show support for a player,” per the BBC.

Some of my best memories as a kid are of unstructured time. Nose in a book, weird tv, playing with friends. You need to know how to handle unstructured free time. It seems like people who don’t develop anxiety.

I never worked in high school. (TBF my parents were immigrants and I didn’t have a work permit as a teenager.) When I was younger (<16), I basically just did nothing all summer - chilled at home or with friends, watched a lot of TV, etc etc. During later high school years, I did a bunch of volunteer work (for college

When I was in high school I just walked into the local ice cream shop and asked the owner/manager for a job. And got it after a 20 minute conversation/interview. These days it’s all corporatized. You walk into a McDonald’s or Target they tell you to fill out an online application. And instead of a human you get some

‘Get me Jon Gruden!’