
Rachel’s in the book. 🙃

1. The

Netflix’s movie selection is god-awful, too. It takes an eternity to sort through all the random Netflix Originals I’ve never heard of and then it’s just a bunch of dross. 

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

Deadspin Readers Aren’t Even Pretending To Care That ESPN Isn’t Even Pretending To Care About Conflicts Of Interest Anymore

It shows that Deadspin actually has positions that aren’t based on who is agreeing with them at any given point. Deadspin, as an outgrowth of Gawker, is critical of pablum that exists to flatter the powerful. They’re also in support of workers over managers. That means that, Lebron’s show can be dumb and worthy of

Is it possible they didn’t realize they were supposed to double loop and she legit thinks she ran a half marathon when she, in fact, did not?

Not that this vapid person needs my defense, but is it not possible that she just plainly fucked up and doesn’t realize it until now?

I’ve been trying to find more info about the story this weekend, but every twitter search, Reddit thread, and website comment section is full of MAGA-heads screaming about reverse racism and evil liberals. Ugh. 

Presumably this thing got away from him, that he set out to goose his music sales with a little extra drama for social media, but the cops got involved and they took it more seriously than he thought they would and then he couldn’t stop digging and now, here we are.

So you seem new to this whole Vegan thing so let me help you out. Live your life, live your truth, but don’t attempt to force your beliefs on others. Statements like the one you just posted are the reason people love to make fun of vegans. The reality is the vast majority of people HAVE already seen how the sausage is

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

To see The Day After Tomorrow referenced multiple times as anyone’s “best work” is not something I can get past.

Maybe it’s Hot Take day at Jezebel.

Counterpoint: Jake’s ability to play creepy roles just heightens his attractiveness because he plays against his type and creates delicious ambiguity.


Let me alleviate your fears and say that no one their right mind goes through two trimesters of pregnancy and then is like “actually I don’t want a kid.” Every single abortion that happens in the third trimester is out of medical necessity. Every single one. And no state in the US allows for late term abortions if

This whole ‘not answering his phone’ thing has to be made up. So what if the GM doesn’t answer his phone, there is an Assistant GM and lots of other front office folks he could have spoken with. Did they also not answer their phones? Were they not available too? It’s not like Magic Johnson made Demps’ aides disappear.


I think it is a South American thing and if you were in Argentina it would have been a SUPER PANCHO! I did a Google image search and many images that came up of superpanchos had crispy fries on top. I just don’t like that the cheese sauce they use on the panchos there is cheese mixed with mayo and please don;t get me