
In six months, when I go to my next dentist appointment, I’ll read this and get back with you Laura. 

Can I vote D.J. Durkin as a write-in? 

In the off-chance that you’re still confused, the correct answer was “lower.”

I don’t like to bookmark my favorite porn vids either.

The list of things I want this gentleman to say has no end.

It took me ten times reading my own post to finally get what you are talking about.

i thought the Raiders might be decent this year. Boy is my face red.

I completely agree with this sentiment.

Alex. You lose one hour *once* Just once. And everyone born after spring 2019 will NEVER lose it again. And fuck, it won’t be dark when you go home after 5 pm there come the deepest middle of winter. Isn’t that worth one last hour of your life? To not have that flip-flop is worth it, in spades.

Re cocaine:

Gatekeeping is lame. Especially lame when it’s as inconsequential as this.

Seriously though, I had a similar reaction to yours when I first checked kpop lol. So you aren’t the only one.

Fuck them regardless

Why is the target of this article Jack? Shouldn’t it be all of the artists who work with him? Why is it his responsibility to say “no” when asked to help with a song or album? Why isn’t it Taylor Swift’s responsibility to not ask him in the first place?

Can’t we just get a gay rom com or sexy romantic drama where the straights are the witty sidekicks and the sex is sexy? Just one?

You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.

I mean, if we're going to be salty bitches about it that's more or less the age limit of going out just wearing a t shirt of any kind.

*Rick Court sees you putting head through wall, immediately tries to recruit you*

Yo, why are we still spreading the fake report that he recommended a skin lightener to that girl? It was a product for soothing inflammation. Truaxe is clearly having some kind of disturbing break down, but that tidbit was refuted ages ago and it’s disturbing to see something false repeated ad nauseum.

The final frontier for “impossible love” seems to be Hallmark Christmas movies. “Give up my successful career in the diverse and vibrant big city for a lifetime spent in a whitebread podunk shithole that’s creepily obsessed with 1950s Christmas tropes? I’d love to!”