
Good on `em for supporting Transjordan. That’s an important statement in today’s world.

He is saying Russians are unfairly portrayed as monsters in the fights that occurred. That they are seen only as international hooligans now just as during the Cold War through today they are simply seen as an atomic power (the atomic bear reference) who is full of simple people who drank vodka out of samovars

Ridiculous suggestion. Even if it were true that Peterson was descended from slaves that wouldn’t be the reason why he hit his kid, that would only explain his strength and agility while doing so.

The argument is that the New Democrats of Bill Clinton’s triangulation shifted the Democratic Party from being the party of the New Deal into being the party of finance. Everything about these critiques of the Democrats and DNC come from the impossible position the DNC has placed itself in by positioning themselves as

I guess to understand it you’d have to look at what happens with Democrats actually in power vs. their stated platform.

Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?

If we’re going to shit on anyone who has a change of heart on social issues and question their motives, can we just admit that we’re more concerned with performative righteous indignation than in making the world better?

I was the shadow of the waxwing slain...

The Padres say it’s not that bad, but it feels bad.

BREAKING: Democrats are more pessimistic about Republican led administration than Republicans.

Awful truths are really the spice that makes good satire.

They looked like models because that’s our Westocentric definition of beauty - tall and blonde! (Just looking to add a bit of wokeness to your day ;) )

What’s with the “Marcus Rubinstein” statement?

No, he had every right to all of those things. Just like we had every right to tell him to fuck off, protest and boycott anything associated with him. Free speech is a double edged sword.

You’re right. Does she have the right to choose her friends in the manner she wants, or should she check with you first on whether those standards are acceptable? M

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

I think Executor Elassus is supportive of them. The “they were warned, it was explained to them, still they persisted” is a reference to that asshole politician who attacked Elizabeth Warren.

He goes by “Bobby” not “Rob”