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(ESPN blows the dust off its pre-concussion-worries “JACKED UP” segment)

The penis dip was pretty unexpected.

Not to mention the fact that abortion is sometimes a life-saving procedure for the mother, and/or one which minimizes the suffering of a fetus that is not viable.

I remember reading at some point that the reason the AMA lobbied for legal abortion was because doctors were literally traumatized by the parade of otherwise healthy young women bleeding to death in ERs from botched abortions. All these assholes smugly intoning “abortion kills” have no idea how many people die when


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What was the first rule again?

I love how you make this the focal point and you don’t even mention how, after the play, the back helmsman decapitated 17 geese with his longsword to secure 15 toggle points, which, by the way, the priest converted easily into 2 victory runes.

Funny thing was he didn’t cut the baby in half and it settled the argument right quick. Amazing what understanding what you’re quoting can do for context.

The Coen Brothers caught heat on jezebel for their lack of racial diversity esp. in their last movie ‘Hail Caesar’. A movie about Hollywood in the 1930/40s. The charcters were actors, directors, movie journalists and studio bigwigs. Having an all white cast made perfect sense, since there were barely any POC in those

He actually meant OPP, because he’s down with it.

This is good reporting

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

girl? you sleepwokin’.

Can you share some examples of a systematic genocide or a 500 year long racist oppression against kings or cavaliers?

The average NFL game is awful. That gets hidden when there are three to eight going on at a time, but when you break them out, the overwhelming odds are the standalone will be a bad game.

Nope, that’s putting booze up your own ass and getting drunk off it. One person involved.

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

yeah, until they bring home something that gives you lime disease. or they get the sniffles and you get pneumonia. don’t fall for it! gird your loins.

Then how do you explain this