
It was dotorg, but he wanted something less ethnic.

It only felt like egg.

Rick to Ilsa: "What's the matter, ya fall in?"

"She's as beautiful, oh so beautiful, beautiful as a foot…"

So, you're saying that Knuckles was pretty much a good dog?

Beloved of Yahoo news commenters and 9/11 truthers…
RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!

What was strange was he was only evil up to a point. He had Shannon, uber-family man who just outed himself to protect his son, and instead of torturing or even threatening Shannon's family…he wastes his time torturing Jim.

No, sorry…this was just awful. The only good thing was slimy evil guy telling the old guy the coast was clear. Everything was predictable: as soon as you saw slimy evil guy whining about bugs, you knew the jurassic park lawyer bit was in his future. You knew Lucas was gonna stab daddy when he hugged him, you knew

Oh good…I was afraid there wasn't going to be any arbitrary slow motion/regular motion in this one…

Chipmunks/Lord of the Flies : "Kill the Pig! Cut his throat!"

You do have to give the guy points for not saying "I don't need them shoving it down my throat"

Oh, bigots like you are always pointing that out.


What? You didn't like the chapter-long hymn to the first-person singular subjective case personal pronoun?

They should have had Scrooge squinting at his gravestone: "Erhardt Shaage? What a relief, I thought it was my grave!"

They also cut Shermy's line about always being in the thankless role of a shepherd—his one line!—so I guess it was sorta meta.

The Shelley Duvall song made me want to just bash her brains in. I'm gonna bash 'em right the fuck in!

Santa couldn't even be bothered to land. "Ho, ho, ho, I guess this the general area. I'm sure there must be some children down there somewhere! Good luck!"

Is it safe, Bumble? IS IT SAFE?

Well, as Burl says, they had to get the womenfolk home.