
The Lucas interview really lands with a thud. There is a huge build up, with Rod psyching himself up on the ride up to the ranch and in the parking lot…and then Lucas plops into his chair, makes some generalized comparisons between the franchises before heaving himself off to finish his movie.

"I'm amazed I didn't fall asleep during it"
That could have been dangerous.

If I see it, I'll just imagine 'Yakety Sax' or Sousa marches during the sex scenes.

I would like to have seen the "Kelly's Heroes" one.
"Actually, the number of hippies in the tank corps was practically nil."
"An officer would never be addressed as 'Baby'."

"I Hate My Teenage Fuehrer" Emo teen adolf being raised by his single mom.

They should feature her in their promotional material.

I had this one mashed up in my mind with 'The Skull' (Cushing & Lee and the magical homicidal skull of the Marquis De Sade).

theremin AND an accordion put them over the top.

Tangerine Dream's "Birth of a Nation"

Still waiting for the Black Quincy.

My favorite part was when he finally got out of the holo-wiki, he collars some soldier running around dealing with this huge crisis and makes her take care of his brat. "Oh, sure…I wasn't doing anything important…"

They also had Skye run into the bar yelling for the chip, then telling Josh to run & take the chip to the infirmary, cos she was out of breath and they needed it right away parasite boy is dieing! After an intervening scene somewhere else, they show mom loading the new chip into the holo-bed…and Skye is standing

I didn't watch the episode, but as far as I can tell, neither the reviewer or any of the comments (yet) have mentioned Jane Lynch. I take it she didn't bring anything to the proceedings.

The Good Mother. "Why doesn't anyone take her sensible concerns about nightclubs seriously?!"

Laying the groundwork to reveal that Brittany's problems stem from Toxoplasmosis.