Correcting someone’s grammar is obnoxious, unless you’re making the Stannis Correction regarding ‘less’ and ‘fewer.’ Then its a joke (all be it a joke they wont get and at they’re expense).
Correcting someone’s grammar is obnoxious, unless you’re making the Stannis Correction regarding ‘less’ and ‘fewer.’ Then its a joke (all be it a joke they wont get and at they’re expense).
I m sorry, but you sound like you are 15 with ADD.
Hillary needs to run for congress representing NY. We take the House in 2018 and make her Speaker THEN impeachment starts :P
Not shade. He’s making it very clear that he wants Paul Ryan to go, but thinks he’s being clever or something by having someone else say it instead. Donald Trump is not sophisticated enough for shade.
Isn’t he plugging the product of a for-profit business entity in that tweet?
This is ridiculous.
It’s her own dang fault. She needs to dress like a real American.
In November 2015, Alamrani went to a department gun range. While there, an officer snapped photos of Alamrani in her Hijab and posted the photos to social media.
The “too” is clearly implied to anyone with half a brain - it’s only idiots and trolls who think it means “Only Black Lives Matter”. Adding the word would do nothing to dissuade those people.
I would very much like to hear Obama’s unfiltered thoughts.
It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?
The ones in the back all had their white robes on so you can’t see them.
I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.
Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.
In essence Trump’s campaign was so vociferously divisive and its victory against the Republican establishment so crushing that hes basically broken the spirit of the GOP and they will now do whatever he wants.
He’s too much of a dumbass to feel like a dumbass.
He’s not the only Republican just finding out what his job entails....
Artist’s conception of the inauguration parade.
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.