Paul Proteus

I just think England sounds better as a one word answer :)

:) I'm doing my best!

So, I think what he is getting at is that Dumb Starbucks was the ultimate mashup of what this season's Ep 1 and Ep 3 did. Ep 1 was about taking on the ultimate big bad store, but didn't require Nathan to invent his own business, and Ep 3 had him invent his own business, but not go up against a big bad store.

oh man, I completely agree. I just think that in the spectrum of amazing things, maybe SNL could pull something off with Trump on their show. It could be a different kind of crazy and funny - although maybe inviting Trump into their house to embarrass him would feel really dirty

John is right that Elle is the USNFYPOTW, but what makes Fielder such a brilliant asshole is that he doesn't even let her keep that dignity! For starters, she meets this total creep for a second date - that's bad enough. But then the post-credit 40% discount conversation completely undermines any amount of respect we

But how do they turn him down? There is a lot of potential to do something really funny and really brave, but we will have to see.

the dolphins are a crappy team, and no one ever wants to talk about them because they're boring. They're a crappy boring team. This season sucks.

Richard Linklater is so flippin' good at what he does

Of all the Philip K Dick adaptations to prove your point, you chose the sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner? Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a fun, but average sci-fi novel. Blade Runner is an all-time great film (top 2 with 2001?), and so much better than the novel it's based on.


uhhhh… we are allowed to be concerned with both, I think

It was totally different. I was looking for it on youtube, but it's not up yet.

What was with the intro song changing? That was maybe my favourite part of this episode…

Can anyone explain why the protestors were still standing around even though a gigantic gun fight had broken out like one block away?

watch out everyone, we've entered the no fun zone

Don't you remember them cross referencing the letters on both envelopes with all of those other examples of Durst's handwriting

Uhhhhhhh, he is old! Let's do away with a little of that cynicism. I like Greg! I think he's great! What do you like?

What do you get when you cross the Holocaust with a baby clothing store?

Duuuuude, Don is looking fly.

Oh my god, I'm a fairly young teacher, and I like to make Simpsons references to lighten up my classes. I have used speed holes while teaching motion, and I used cosmic ballet for eclipses, but they don't get it. It makes me feel so old.