Paul Proteus


That's how I feel too. I'm in the camp that Sarah can do no wrong, and that her conclusion of inconclusiveness is the only reasonable and serious one she could make.

Sirens is a masterpiece (not that Mother Night isn't). Here is what Douglas Adams had to say about it: "I've read The Sirens of Titan six times now, and it gets better every time. He is an influence, I must own up. Sirens of Titan is just one of those books – you read it through the first time and you think it's very

I like that they're having the types of conversations that I have when I meet someone who also listens to Serial. I think the format is one of water cooler talk, not in-depth Serial criticism. I enjoy that about the Serial Serial. There are other places for the more intense stuff.

I'm sorry, I assumed you knew what you were from. I can never turn away from an opportunity to connect with a fellow Vonnegut fan. That drawing is by Kurt Vonnegut in Breakfast of Champions. It's an asshole.

I like the podcast about the podcast. I suggest they keep doing it.

Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?

The way Ted breaks at the off-broadway Shrek line is my favourite part. Zach is too funny.