Paul Proteus


and death didn't stop Patti from being an integral part of season 2

Why you gotta be a butt hole?

Ship. Don't misgender the ship.

John is crazy good at picking games. There's no way I'd be that far above .500 this year!

I think this is reading into something that isn't there. It seemed more like just how Abernathy likes to chat with his creations - Remember old-bot in the first episode?. He took the boy to keep him company while he wanderer through the desert to whatever he was working on.

I'm with the guy aboveā€¦ I think Skyfall kinda sucks.

Why is everyone such a downer on this website!?

I'm enjoying it more and more the longer it goes on. I feel much more informed about the Middle East than I did before.

you, sir, have these movies ranked very differently than I do.

Is this a joke? I can't tell if this is a joke.

uhhhhh Tumblr is a website. How about we stop making enemies out of every single thing.

Bimonthly would be six podcasts per year.

No love for Canadiansā€¦ ; _ ;

I played my fair share of Battlefront 2 back in the day, so I appreciate people's love of that game, but I don't think it's much competition in terms of gameplay and presentation to new BF.

new Battlefront is better than Battlefront 2 not in terms of the amount of content, but in the quality of content. I am enjoying it so so so much, and if you're a Star Wars fan I think you'll enjoy it too :)

Dude. They want to do it, so let them. I will listen.

But what happens in the store is real, he pays with his credit card. So the moment is real, but then for the sake of human decency, the show pays the guy after they have the moment they need.

Oh man, I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice Nathan breaking. I love it when he breaks!

Remember when Bond and Q have almost the exact same conversation at the art gallery in Skyfall!? This movie is such a disappointing rehash of some of the most uninteresting elements of previous Craig films.