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Now, now, let's not get silly, dear canine of maize. Just because this is the internet does not mean just anything will fly. Like correct spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Would have made for a less interesting story though. Probably.

Grow back Jaime's hand?

I swear if they fridge Claire I'm going to … vehemently curse at my screen.

I'd rather they speak terribly and don't dub it, even when they mangle a language I understand. The voice switching to a different actor is much more distracting to me, unless they find somebody who really practically sounds the same (which, they usually don't). And when it's a language I don't understand at all, like

I'm not yet sure if I'll watch the show (probably shouldn't, don't really have the time at the moment), but I will be reading the reviews simply for Caroline's captions. Seems to be as on point as the last time around. Great fun!

The behind-the-scenes footage of the BBC nature docs is often among my favorite parts. The sequence about filming the blue whale in The Hunt is a particular favorite, especially when the cameramen have made their big shot, come up for air and basically are only able to speak in the simplest of sentences (if that)

Twitter's rules and enforcement thereof seem to be run by a random number generator. A really shitty one.

Now, now, don't be silly. Next thing you're going to propose that somebody run who not only has government experience, but is actually halfway competent at it! Ridiculous!

I really considered that to be a very bad trade for me as a viewer.

Well, there's that orange guy in the White House…

Don't you even dare talk about that!

Upvote for use of the word "whence".

Isn't the reason that neither the EIC nor the Crown have made any further attempts on James' life that he made a will in which he bequeathed that super-duper important piece of land to the Americans? So the Brits actually need to keep him alive unless they want to lose that piece of land, whereas the Americans would

James is shocked the Americans know where his factory is, but their agent, the giant, already tried to assassinate him there.

*disappointed trombone*

When he was introduced and started to wax poetic to Joe about that big Atlantropa project and the greatness which the Nazi reich can bring to the world, I had some subtle alarm bells go off in my head. I wasn't certain about it at that point, but when he was later revealed to be the big bad of the season, my reaction

Nazi fascist pussies need to grow the fuck up or go the fuck back to Europe

Landing a shot square over James’ heart, Thorne breathes out a prayer of gratitude when his brother-in-law brushes it off, uninjured.

Ah yes, good ol' "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."