Drop Message

Reminds me of the whole Babylon 5 "never happening in HD" situation. Though from what I've heard, that one is even worse, with the CGI having been lost and such (and maybe even some of the film? Not sure anymore.).

I can't really see any incentive not to develop something like that, so I reckon if things were that easy, it would have happened by now. Not even sure if it's biologically possible.

There are people with chronic pain who have been failed by alternatives; Fentanyl can be a life safer in those situations. Though personally I've only ever been given Fentanyl via IV drip in the hospital during and after surgery for a few hours.

I've had it a bunch of times during and after surgery, and personally I am highly grateful for its existence.

I've usually been given Fentanyl via IV drip after my surgeries to get my body through the most immediate and strongest post-op pain. But that wasn't for very long; I was always on something less insane within less than a day. But, yes, it's a tool, and it has legitimate use cases. Recreational consumption is not one

Not the most powerful, but pretty damn strong. There are substances which are many times more potent, but at some point their practical use in medicine becomes limited because the doses are practically impossible to measure and control accurately enough. The strongest ones are only really used to tranquilize large

As somebody who's had multiple surgeries, I am very much in favor of Fentanyl's continued existence, to be honest. It's an awesome drug.

Many dogs know perfectly well not to run into traffic. Ours is never on a leash unless legally required. Whether or not that one would, having been previously stuck in a box somewhere, is a question left as an exercise to the reader.

No, of course not, that would be silly! They just air episodes and write reviews as a post-mortem tribute. ;-)

From Trump Tower with Love

Trump… intelligence… same sentence. Does not compute.


Wow. Just… wow. After having actually liked the previous episode, how this one was bungled so massively almost impresses me. True, we did get some fine acting, but the plot was just… sigh.

I did actually rather like s4ep2, so if you ever feel an urge to revisit the series for some mysterious reason, I can recommend that (though, obviously, one's mileage may vary). This one though… sheeesh!

I applaud your bravery at venturing into the comment section, to be honest. Well, metaphorically, anyway. It's difficult to clap whilst using a keyboard.

Person of Interest and Justified also stuck their landings pretty well, I thought.

Or, you know, have security cameras where you can't tell whether they're on or off. Like they exist in the real world. But nooooo, that would be silly.


In the end of that scene, she’s a bit wounded by it all, but he’s absolutely devastated.

And by "dubbed," I don't mean a voice cast of actors; I mean some guy speaking all the dialogue in Russian, in the same monotone for all the characters, male and female.