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I have to admit, those parts of Iron Fist (so, pretty much all of it) and Daredevil were the boring bits of those shows, to me at least. Daredevil held my interest as long as it was about Fisk or Frank Castle.

I loved the "His name is Matthew." line. Sure, she's just taken charge of the Hand, and she's going to do some evil shit, but her and Matt(hew), that's still something special to her.

Similar here. Stick was fine in small chunks, but I'm relieved he's gone. Hearing the same nihilistic speech over and over again got kinda tiring for me.

On the other hand: If you, a random person in King's Landing, or even a guard, spot little person walking around the streets as if it was nothing, would you really think "Yeah, the Hand of the Dragon Queen who has a price out on his head by Cersei totally just strutted into the capital city of his enemies and is

She is exactly as smart as the plot requires at any given time, particularly now that the show has passed the books. Come to think of it, that seems to be the general theme for pretty much every character in the show these days.

The rider would see the Dothraki coming ashore way before they could get to him, so he'd have a decent head start. He could start riding as soon as he saw the army boarding on Dragonstone, or at the latest when they're on the move to the continent.

Riders with relay stations to change horses at reasonable intervals can cover a lot of ground very quickly. Some Pony express riders reached averages of around 20 km/h or faster, which would allow them to cover the width of Westeros in a pretty reasonable timeframe, depending on where. So at the least, Jamie's army

It's the most effective armor one can not buy.

It's not like I'm going to stop you though. By all means, be my guest! Or theirs, I suppose.

Not sure how edible those remains are. The incinerated soldiers looked pretty, uhm, ashen.

I think it would be appropriate at this point if we took a moment of silence for all those poor incinerated horses.

The Drowned God should come in handy for bringing Jamie back from the dead; it seems kinda difficult to swim with all that armor and only a single hand, even if he does regain consciousness underwater at some point.

There was a handwavey remark from Tyrion about them still having enough ships to move the Dothraki to the continent, I think. And I suppose if you're patient enough and are not attacked when you build your beachhead on the continent, you can do it in stages. But yeah … the logistics of the show really are getting a

As much as I like seeing some dragon-on-army action, the fact that Dany could basically teleport her entire army from Dragonstone to that field without anybody noticing does bug me a bit (I know this complaint ain't new, but it seemed particularly obvious to me this time due to the surprise effect on the Lannister

The mightiest deity in Westeros is the Idiot Ball.

The show doesn't really have a timeline as such anymore, it just randomly jumps back and forth in the temporal dimension as needed.

Not an entirely unfair point, yes. I guess the sheer scale of it, and its ferocity? There's a bit of a difference between flinging around a few flammable pots and flat-out setting the ocean on fire while most of your fleet is in it, I guess. And wildfire has always been made out to be some sort of special thing (burns

I figured they had mounted some catapults or ballistas or something thereabouts on some of the ships, and were using some projectiles with combustible liquids.

I think they might have meant that when the time for Euron's demise comes, they shall revel in it, as they did with Ramsay's.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought when I heard about this. We basically already have this show, making another one seems rather redundant.