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Big improvement over the first season, IMO. I particularly liked the back half of the second season. Not perfect, but compelling enough to make me eager for season 3.

I know this is a "your mileage may vary" kinda thing, but I actually quite liked the pace of these reviews (okay, the last two maybe could have come a bit quicker, but I'm nitpicking). It allowed me to watch the show two weeks ago instead of right when it came out and still have a forum for discussing it here because

I don't even need Joe's personality to be humanoid, just any personality at all would be nice.

While I'm no expert on the topic of US internment of Japanese Americans, I have never come across any information indicating that the conditions in those camps were even remotely similar to the hunger, disease and torture in the Nazi concentration camps (not to mention the death camps which served the exclusive

We’re supposed to feel bad for the Nazi kid? I feel bad for the thousands of Jewish and black American teenagers his age who died choking on gas.

Huh, interesting. I never really considered that they might have not killed them off for real. I was just glad that Frank's story seemed to finally be done. If we get another Frank, I do hope he's less mopey. I suppose they can bring back Sarah if they want, I didn't really mind her, nor was I strongly attached to her.

I'm glad Kido is still around but the way he survived is ridiculous.

San Francisco seems to be pretty important for the Japanese (given that they base their nuclear research out of it, the crown prince's visit, the general staff which is present there), so I reckon it would surely be among the Germans' targets. But yes, certainly not the only one; that would not make much strategic

I gathered he was maybe not thinking of the politics of the whole thing so much as wanting a world where Nagasaki wasn't nuked and loved ones were alive.

Good point about the Bielskis. I could definitely imagine pockets of people, even large-ish numbers, hiding out and doing something like that. Maybe that's how the neutral territories came to be? Just people fleeing and the Germans and Japanese deciding that tightly controlling those territories wasn't worth it? Not

That did indeed seem a bit odd to me, that Tagomi just felt this kind of instant connection with her, then went through the effort of tracking her down via that other dude, made her come in and hired her. I mean, he ran into her once, for a very short moment. Seems a bit excessive. I chalked it up to the magic going

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Presumably the robots were programmed by rich white folks. Some racial bias might have slipped into the code.

Texas is about twice the surface area of Germany. So yeah, it's hardly as big as Europe, but it is indeed pretty big for "only" being part of a country.

I do think the show's geographic partitions are a bit exaggerated to be honest, with Germany and Japan and some neutral zones basically making up the entire world.

I recently looked into this because I was wondering how much terrible shit we did during WW2 (it behooves one, as a citizen, to inform oneself about one's country's past misdeeds, I think). Apparently, Hitler absolutely despised Switzerland and its political system. The primary reason we weren't invaded was simply

Juliana seemed to storm out of that building in a rather hasty manner in that job interview scene. That always made me think she didn't go through with giving the dude a blowjob.

Being an idiot about science doesn't seem to be directly tied to one's position on the political left-right axis, in my (non-representative and purely anecdotal) experience.

Plus, whatever you think of the epilogue, there's no way that's surviving the adaptation.

I'm still no fan of hers, but I agree that the back half of season 2 is the show's best run of episodes so far, in my opinion. I noticed myself skipping scenes/fast-forwarding only very rarely in those episodes, unlike earlier.

The scene between Heydrich and John in the cell is one of my favorites of the series. The way Smith acts made me at least consider that the show might have pulled the rug out from under us for a split second and actually nuked San Francisco. Not for long, but he (both Smith the character acting, and Rufus Sewell